{dna} 1.2

252 24 13

hey besties !!!!

short but very juicy chapter

enjoy pretties !!

the team walked into the crime scene while putting their gloves on.

this scene looked a lot messier and chaotic compared to the last ones.

"hello i'm detective gibson. as soon as the roommate called this one in we knew we had to call you." the detective looked at the new victim.

"do we have an id on him?" jonah looked to the detective.

jack just stared at the victim. he looked so much like zach that it made him sick.

"tommy morgan. his roommate came home and surprised the attacker who ran out the back door. she wasn't able to recall what he looked like." the detective explained before a cop called him over.

"jack? is everything okay?" chloe set her ungloved hand on jack's arm.

"uh he um- he looks like my boyfriend is all." jack cleared his throat and looked away from tommy. "i'm sorry- uh excuse me."

they all watched jack step out of the room as detective gibson walked back over. "they found some fingerprints on the wall and some hair that doesn't match either of the residents. we're getting them rushed and then sent to your tech girl. hopefully they're in the system."

the team nodded.

"the unsub was interrupted and he didn't get to do the mirror part of his ritual." eliana looked around the room.

"he could strike again or leave florida all together." daniel sighed.

"it does look like he was angrier with this victim. he's probably devolving." eben crouched down next to the victim.

"let's hope franny can find something with that dna."

jack sat outside. he shook his hands out before pulling his phone out of his pocket. jack dialed zach's number and held it to his ear.

"please pick up."

"bug? is everything okay?" zach's voice was worried. especially since he knew jack was on a case. jack never called while he was on a case unless it ended badly.

"i don't know. the case i'm working on is a hate crime but worse and then the victim he- he just looked like you is all. it all just makes me anxious." jack bit his lip.

"i'm okay lovebug. i'm in my hotel room i just got room service and i'm watching netflix. i've hit a plateau in energy this tour. i can't wait to see you though. three days until i get to hold you. that is if your case gets solved." zach sat up in his hotel bed.

"i'll be there sugar. i promise. i wouldn't miss it for anything." jack smiled and looked down at the pavement. "i love you."

zach blushed and smiled. "i love you too. i'll text you in the morning okay?"

"yes please. i've got to go but i'll see you in a few days." jack stood up.

"bye jacky."

"bye sugar."

jack ended the call and walked over to his team that was walking out of the house.

"jack i want you and chloe to go to the m.e. to see what they find." jonah handed a pair of the keys to jack who nodded.

the two walked to an suv together and climbed in. chloe set the gps as jack started the car.

"so jack has a boyfriend huh?" chloe pressed enter and sat back in her seat.

"yes he does. next topic please."

"so this victim is almost completely the same as the last one except he doesn't have as much bruising in the face area. as well as no broken bones in his face." the m.e. looked up at the two agents. "this is definitely the same guy but he was definitely in a rush this time. you can tell by the less amount of cuts and the ragged edges in the genitalia area."

"yeah the roommate interrupted the killer my guess is he just tried to get it over with a soon as possible." jack looked over the body.

"these poor guys."

"hello my beautiful people. we have a hit on the dna. unfortunately the prints and dna weren't in any government database. and here's where the but comes in. the unsub did a genealogy thing to test for genetic diseases." franny's typing could be heard through the phone.

"name fran."

"zachary dean herron. he's a pop star who's your happens to stop through every single city our unsub has hit." franny clicked enter. "and before you ask i've already sent the hotel he's staying at to your phones."

"thanks franny."

they all got their vests on before texting jack and chloe where they were headed.

"zachary herron fbi!"

zach jumped and quickly closed his laptop. he quickly put some pants on before running over and opening the door. he recognized all of the people at his door from pictures jack sent him, except this time there were guns pointed to his face.

zach put his hands up and stumbled back, his breathing getting heavy. "what's- what's going on?"

eben stepped into the room, handcuffs in hand. "arms behind your back. you're under arrest for the murder of fourteen men."

"i'm what?"

zach sat in then room shivering. he had his head in his hands as his leg bounced up and down.

he was this close to having a full blown panic attack.

on the other side of the wall stood jonah and eben.

"i think we should send jack in there. him and chloe just got back." eben crossed his arms over his chest.

"i agree." jonah left the room with the file in hand. "jack. i want you to go in there. here's the file. the printers jammed right now so we don't have what franny sent to us yet. we found his dna but he doesn't fit the profile."

jack grabbed it and nodded. "okay."

jack walked down the hallway and let out a breath. he opened the door and stopped in his tracks.

zach stood up only to be yanked down by the handcuffs. tears welled up in zach's eyes. "jacky. bug help please."

daniel's head perked up at that nickname. he remembered that from the text jack got by the elevator.

"zach? what the hell?" jack swallowed and looked at the one way glass. "what's going on?"

"he knows him?" jonah's eyebrows furrowed. "get him out of there."

eben grabbed jack's arm and pulled him out of the room.

zach stood back up as a tear rolled down his cheek. "no! jack! please!

"you know this kid?" eben led jack into the room with the rest of the team.

"yeah that's- that's my boyfriend."

1093 words

uh oh

we getting spicy

pls forgive me


- cass

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