{dna} 1.3

278 22 19

hey besties !!!!

new chapter already who is she ??

anyway i hope you enjoy


"yeah that's- that's my boyfriend." jack looked through the glass at the boy who looked like he was about to have a panic attack.

"they found his dna at the scene." jonah handed him the paper that finally got faxed over.

jack looked and his heart started racing. "this isn't possible. i was just on the phone with him. he had a concert tonight. that's an alibi isn't it? it's just not possible."

"chloe and eliana are going to his hotel room to see if they can find anything. franny is going through his computer as we speak." eben looked at the boy in the room. "he still just doesn't fit the profile. he's not confident enough for this type of unsub."

"why would he commit a hate crime on people who are just like him? zach isn't even allowed to come out yet." jack sighed. "please let me go calm him down? he has terrible anxiety. he's having a panic attack."

jonah hesitated before sighing. "fine but be quick. then rossi you're going in."

jack muttered a quick thank you before going into the room. "zach?"

zach's head shot up and he quickly wiped his face. "jacky i-i can't-"

jack walked over and kneeled on the ground in front of him. "i know sugar. come here."

zach wrapped his free arm around jack and gripped the boys blazer burying his head in the boys shoulder, a muffled sob escaping his lips. "i didn't-"

"shh- just relax. deep breaths sugar." jack combed his fingers through zach's messy hair. "i've got you. there you go. it's okay."

jack pulled back and kissed zach's head. "they aren't going to let me come back in here after this okay? but remember i'm right here."

jack grabbed the locket around zach's neck and opened it. it was a picture of the first time they met in real life. jack wiped zach's cheeks. "i'll be on the other side the whole time okay?"

zach nodded. "thank you bug. i love you."

"i love you too." jack smiled. he glanced at the mirrored window before cupping zach's cheeks and placing a soft kiss on his lips. "i'll see you soon okay?"

zach nodded as he cheeks flushed. "okay."

jack stood back up and left the room. he joined the team in the viewing room.

"how long?" daniel stood next to jack as eben went into the interrogation room.

"almost a year." jack watched as zach fixed his hair and played with the locket.

"wow that long huh? where'd you meet?"

"dc. he was there for an interview. we bumped into each other at the coffee place i go to every morning. he spilled his coffee all over my shirt. then i got his number." jack smiled at the memory.

"wow. i remember that day. you smelled like coffee for that whole case even after you changed your clothes." daniel looked at jack before looking back into the room.

"so zach where were you last night after your show?" eben looked at the younger boy.

"me and my best friend corbyn went back to our hotel. everyone else usually goes out for drinks but i'm i- i don't like drinking. so i go back to my room, i ordered room service and watched some netflix. jack called me earlier and was upset. that was right after i ordered room service. i was getting ready to go to bed. i'm supposed to leave for north carolina tomorrow at three in the morning." zach looked at eben before rubbing his eyes. "do you think i could get some eye drops please? my contacts are irritated from crying."

case closed // jachary au Where stories live. Discover now