Chapter 4:

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This chapter includes a little bit of Torture and stuff so this is a TW

Asami's eyes widened, Bolin looked from Korra to Asami awaiting a reaction, a response, anything! "Y-your lying why would my father kill his own wife" Asami said still trying to process what Korra had just said.

"Oh my shit"Wu said covering his mouth.

Korra stood up a bit from the table and leaned across only inches away from Asamis face. Asami could feel her chest burning with want, she clenched her fist trying her bests not to grab Korra.
"That night mother brought me home we saw that monster hit her, we both saw it with our own eyes, even days after that it would continue," Korra laid back in the chair and cracked her knuckles "She was a prostitute, Hiroshi made her have sex with other companies CEO's so they would give there money to future industries-"
"SHUT UP!!!" Asami slammed her hands on the table "she wasn't like that! She was kind loving how dare you say that about her I thought you loved her!"

Korra's  eyes widened at that very moment the the young girl snapped, the bad school girl disappeared into the girl who knew when and where her mother was going to die moments before it happened and didn't do anything "I loved her more than anything!. She ment everything to me!" Korra clenched her chest "I would give up my own life just to see her again! Shit I would kill every fucking human in this cursive world!" The southerner grabbed her sister by the color "I watched Hiroshi order her death! I watched as he planned out what was going to happen! And I did nothing because if I did something he would have threatened to hurt you, I was so fucking stupid to not realise he wouldn't lay a finger on his future heir! Your his pride and joy! His clueless little bitch! " Wu pulled Korra off Asami,

Korra cleared her throat knowing that everybody in the cafeteria would be watching them "you don't believe me go home and ask that bastered what job mother worked as, ask him how future industries gor rich because I'm telling you it's not from them stupid Satomobiles!"

Asami glared at Korra, no she couldn't believe it, Korra had to be lying, the man she adores the man who gave her life the man who swore to protect his family, killed his own wife. Asami clenched the edge of the table "What did we do to you, huh? Why are you making up such lies, were you bored so you decided to come up with something like this! Huh!" Asami stood up but was pulled back down by Bolin "wait listen to Korra what she's saying could be true you never know" Bolin said trying to pull Asami back down.

But the young Sato wasn't having it she ripped her arm away from her muscular friend and was on her way to walk away from the table before turning back to face Korra dead in the eye "You are my sister your not ment to betray our family like this"

"OUR! Now it's our!" The group winced at Korra's now manic voice she almost sounded psycotic "Every family Photo I've never been in one! Tell me Asami, if we are family then explain how I was able to willingly leave the house, you don't care about me anymore, you stopped coming to the hideout years ago, you said I was the one that distanced myself from you but all I ever wanted to do was be closer to you, but you pushed me away! I try and I try and I try but it's not enough now the whole world thinks I'm some emotionless bitch who needs you to do my homework!"

It went silent. The two Stared at each other not blinking not even moving."here!" Korra went into her hoodie pocket and pulled out a small picture It looked really old but well taken care of.

Korra turned it over so Asami could see the picture which was of a tall pale woman holding two children, both herself and Korra, whilst on the bottom right was small writing definitely not belonging to Korra nor herself saying "my two loves"

"She loved us but he didn't, Asami that man killed our mother, he killed my mother on purpose" Asami looked into Korra's eyes searching for anything other then hatred and sadness but she couldn't find it, "come back home after school, all of you!" She said looking back at her all group of friends "if what your saying is true there must be evidence"

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