Chapter 11: Finally!!!

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Asami scrunched her face at the bright sunlight lit up her room. She then groaned hearing her alarm go off, it was Monday meaning she would have to go to school.

without Korra.

The Sato sat up and turned off her Alarm, she stared into space for a few seconds before getting up looking in the mirror, she had a slight glow to her skin due to her and her friends going out to the beach the day before.

The Sato began to stretch as she stood up and wondered off to her connected bathroom which had a bathtub, a shower and two sinks.

She began to take off her silk nightgown that only reached the very top of her thighs. She began to slide the silk gown down her shoulders still half asleep not remembering anything that happened yesterday and surly won't remember anything from this morning.

She turned on the shower to its highest temperature, she always loved hot showers, especially in the mornings, it woke her up.

She entered the now steamy shower and let the water run down her whole body, coating her raven hair.

"Hmmm" she moaned slightly loving the sensation. She then grabbed some soap and began to rub the substance between her hands and began to rub her breast with the soap,  the Sato would never admit it but she knew exactly how beautiful her breast were, she had been told multiple times by Mako, and all the girls in the gym changing room would compliment her body saying how smooth it looks and how plum her breast were.


Asami wrapped a towel around herself slightly saddened about the loss of heat, and come to think of heat she couldn't help but feel as though whilst she was sleeping she was wrapped with a warm blanket, even warmer than her normal covering.

All her questions were answered when she entered her bedroom once again and saw movement from her bed, the Sato Blinked a few times hoping that it wasn't some type of animal.

"Ghhh, Uhhh Asamiiiiii, husshhhhh!!" Said the voice before the person sat up. "Korra!" Asami said slightly startled as to why her sister was in her bed sleeping.

Korra rubbed her eye, and groaned at the contact the sheets made with her still two broken legs. "C-could you be a little more quiet, it's hard to sleep with all that water noise" Korra groaned and flopped back down on the bed covering herself with the fluffy blankets Asami had on her bed.

Asami blinked a few times before remembering exactly what happened.

*Flashback To the day before*

"Bye Bolin! Bye Opal!" Asami said as she waved at the couple who were in the car already driving off. Asami and her glanced over at Korra who's mood had suddenly changed during the car ride back from the beach.

She was now in her wheelchair being pushed bye Asami up to the Mansion doors. "You okay?" Asami said guiding her hand towards Korra's shoulder wanting to comfort Korra but refused the contact scared that that sort of action would be seen as too much love.

"I'm fine Asami, just perfect" Korra said with a bit more saddens in the last part letting Asami know full well Korra was lying and was in fact no way near fine. But the future CEO brushed it off and opened the door to the Mansion, all the guards were no longer surrounding every corner of the Mansion since Asami asked that they would only guard the outside of the estates once it made both her and Korra uncomfortable.

Asami put Korra's wheelchair on the small elevator that brought her and her wheelchair up the stairs safely.

"Anything you want down here" Asami said staring into Korra's eyes, she saw the hesitance in Korra's eyes before they finally went back to there previous position, "just water would be fine".

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