X: My Only Wish This Year

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"Cinder Tremaine is it?"

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"Cinder Tremaine is it?"

Adam's hand stays locked on Cinder's wrist as he squeezes the silver bracelet now stuck to the boy's body. Neither of them move, the room turning in slow motion around them as they fall into their only little world amidst the chaos.  Though Cinder squirms beneath the brunette's grasp he can't break away, panic rushing through every inch of his being as he desperately attempts escape again.

"Adam, please I can explain." Cinder begs as his other hand locks around Adam held tight against him. "I-I-" his words fail him as he stares into the boy squatted in front of him. As he stares into brown eyes darkened from... anger? Hurt? "Adam, I couldn't tell you. I'm sorry. I never lied to you I just couldn't bring myself to tell you the truth."

Slowly, Adam unwraps each finger from Cinder's wrist, reddened lines forming where his touch once was. "Cinder," he huffs, Cinder instinctually flinching at the use of his real name. "why couldn't you have just told me?"

"Because ever since the day I met you all you've ever said about Tremaine's is how much you hate them." Cinder admits, words shaking as he stares into the floor to avoid Adam's gaze. "I didn't want you to hate me too..."

Adam doesn't respond, face void of any expression and eyes too difficult to read as he takes a seat in front of Cinder. Yet he doesn't speak, just gazes at the boy ahead of him who's still too afraid to look away from the floor.

The bracelet feels like a weight around Cinder's wrist, a bolt that keeps him in place and refuses to let him run. There's nothing he can do except sit there beneath the light of the tree, the light of a million stares all placed upon him at once.

"Adam." Mrs. van der Woodson calls from across the room. "Campbell or Cameron make your choice since you've already chosen the Tremaine family."

The boy doesn't turn towards his mother, doesn't move from his spot as his finger falls beneath Cinder's chin as it so often does. Cautiously, he lifts the Cinder's head to face him, a hint of a smile playing at his lips as he begins to speak. "Fine, I pick this Tremaine then."

His declaration is only met with a scoff, Adam's father finally deciding to speak. "You're not marrying a man, Adam, choose betw-"

"I choose this Tremaine. Cinder Tremaine." Adam declares, his voice nearly a snarl as he speaks. His hand falls from its place under Cinder's chin, rather grabbing the bracelet clad hand in his own with a reassuring squeeze and softened smile.

Every part of Cinder wants to scream, wants to cry out to the heavens as the hand around his own quickly becomes suffocating. The heat that rises to his cheeks is overwhelming, a summer unwelcome in this winter wonderland as the boy lets out a breath tangled with nerves.

"Adam, you hate Tremaines why are you doing this?" He questions, fear plastered on every freckle that splatters across his face.

Ignorant to Cinder's racing mind, Adam merely laughs, a sound smooth as velvet and sweet as gingerbread as he brushes a hand across Cinder's cheek. "You know if we get married you won't be a Tremaine anymore, right?"

Cinder: Book Two Where stories live. Discover now