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She stood there with her silky white dress, cascading off her body, delicate, pure and innocent. Her smile covering her whole face, masking the true pain she buried beneath herself.

I was here to stop it.

I held her in my arms, the warmth of her skin pricking mine, and i pierced it right through her cold heart.

Digging it deep into her sorrow and anguish.

She bled in my arms.

Her once white dress was now drenched in thick gore.

She looked up at me, pale faced as i lay her on the ground, planting a kiss on her forehead.

Her tears poured out onto her face as she slowly drifted into a world full of nothing but happiness.

This world didn't deserve her.

She wasn't meant for them, for she was only an angel in a devils world.

And i saved her.

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