Lucypher Satan is A pedo

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"Shut up Jesus your being too loud"

We were behind the café in a messed up area with rubbish bins and a weird looking cat statue. Satan was holding my hand and I was just breathing when he said that.

"You cant go around misgendering people. Even if its only in your head"

Im sorry WHAT how did he know that. If Satan can read thoughts Im in trouble. "How did you know?" I whisper in a muffled tone as his hand was over my mouth.

"Gaydar. Its pretty strong and knows dead well when someones misgendering or judging people for being gay" phew he cant read minds.

He pulls me in closer. I can hear his heart thumping in his chest. It was only now I realised how much taller he was then me. I must seem like a child next to him. He probably thinks of me as a child aswel. He called me one after measuring my dick after all

He pulls me in closer if thats possible. His hand is underneath my throat. He lifts me up to his face. I could feel his mouth against mine. And even doe he was choking me he was choking me in a very SmEgGsY way

After around 5 minutes 53 seconds and 38 miliseconds we untatch. My father will not be hearing about this outing. He looks into my eyes. I saw that there were mini flames in the back of his.

"You are an awful kisser. If you ever get a girlfriend their probably going to dump you because that was awful. You should practice a lot more". I dont know wheither hes being sarcastic or not.

I thought he kissed me cause he liked me back

He lets go of my throat and takes a deep breath. "S-s-s-satan you're h-h-h-hot" I dont know why or how it came out

Im fucked

I know he doesnt like me back why did I say that

He just smirks at me as if to say I know and looks away.

He pauses.

He looks back and looks down.


I was only wearing a cloth (as one does) so my features were definletely seeable if you look hard enough.

Satan snaps his fingers.

We are back in his bedroom.......

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