Chapter 6: The last two years

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Anne and the other nurses grew tired of all these years and risking their lives but they kept up doing their jobs. Half had grown trauma and PTSD from all the bodies and stuff, including Anne. A bunch of the nurses developed anxiety from certain noises. Most people did not care because at least they did their jobs. Most of the nurses became a shaky mess from watching people die and suffer. Anne had developed depression from all she had seen and dealt with.

There were a substantial amount of issues happening and the bad condition of the camp had made it so much worse. Soldiers were getting sick and dying from the dirty conditions. The war would end the next year but nobody actually knew that. Darrick grew closer with his three friends and with Anne. He one day confessed to Anne that he had a crush on Frank and he liked both Frank and Anne, which led to Anne looking at him,

"What do you like us?" she said.

"Like romantic," Darrick tells her, seeming upset.

"Well, I feel the same way. like, I got a lady crush on the last first lady and I did not know how to explain." Anne tells him

They both just hug each other. They felt better that they were not weird. Darrick kissed her cheek and reminded her that he loved her before he left to go to his tent. The next day, the soldiers trained before moving. Anne took her ring off for the first time that did not mean on a necklace. She put it in her pocket as she kept working and doing her best. She would put it back on after cleaning her hands. She followed the army. She looked fragile for a 16-year-old and unpleasant if she was actually 19. She was bony and sad.


The war was to end the next month and the army looked unacceptable. They worked as hard as they could, as the month turned to days, people knew something special would soon happen as Lee and Grant surrendered. Soldiers started packing and praying. Anne packed her stuff as Darrick hugs her close after running to her tent.

"It's over! It's over!" He yelled, jumping up and down.

"I know." She smiles.

"How are you going to get back?" Darry asks her.

"I Do not know. I do not think my third parents want me but perhaps they do. I am going to need to get a horse and go home." Anne tells him

"Sounds fun, can I come with you?"

"Yes, sure," Anne tells him.

After the soldiers were allowed to leave, the two left to go to her house. They took a train and went to see her. Her parents hugged her when she got home. She was taller and older at 17. Darrick waves at them and smiles.

"Who is that?" Martha asks, pointing at Darrick.

"my boyfriend and he proposed to me. His name is Darrick Lennon," Anne tells her. Martha looked shocked that she never found out about him. She lets him in for dinner,

"So, Mr. Lennon, How old are you?" Martha asks as she sets up the table.

"19," Darrick tells her

"Oh, alright. Your father is quite a famous man in New York. He sells books and garments, right?"

"Yes, and other stuff."

"Where are your parents? Aren't they worried sick?"

"No, they are on vacation so they told me to inform you guys of the news as I have engaged to your daughter." Darrick smiles.

"Well, how do we know you are a good person?" Roy asks, walking into the dining room.

"Because it has good manners and he has money so he can give our daughter a good future, Roy. So Darrick, how did you meet our daughter?"

"I was a soldier in the army and she was a nurse for our camp and she was the cutest thing you would ever see," Darrick tells them.

"Good, she did not go for money or land," Martha says. "You got our permission to marry her but do not you dare hurt, cheat, and you better be true." She says, looking like she was going to climb over that table.

Darrick nods that he will, he was quite intimidated and scared of Roy and Martha. Anne stays quiet as Martha and her walk off to make dinner. Roy and Darrick talk about things. Soon the two ladies bring out plates of dinner and sat down. They ate and chatted. Roy soon realized that Darrick kept hiding his right hand and asked him,

"Why do you keep hiding your hand?" Roy asks, concerned and a bit worried.

"Oh, missing a hand," Darrick tells him and shows his wrist stump. Martha and Roy looked shocked while Anne just puts down her fork,

"Did not I do well? It got taken off by a cannon." Anne tells them. Martha looks at Anne and nods. Martha tries to help by asking how long the two were engaged.

"3 years, soon to be four next year," Darrick said. Martha jokes that they need to get married soon and Darrick said he was planning the next month. They said it was fine. After dinner, they are left to go to Anne's old room. They sat and cuddled together. That was all they did.

A month later, they got married on April 14th, 1865 and they would live in his family's winter house. He put his drawings of Anne from during the war and a photograph of her into his drawer and they ended up sharing a room. It would end up taking them two years to have a child, which would be the first of four children of their own. They just cuddled and held each other. They soon framed their photos together on the walls and put them on their nightstand. They spend the night cuddling and chatting. They loved each other increasing every day. They would fall asleep after talking about their same-sex celebrity crushes. 

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