sorta smiles

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"What the hell did they do to you cuzz!?" She said in a shocked tone."I was "bad", no it's just Patrick. The guy I'm being forced to marry in a month, MacKenzie's son." She sat there shocked. "Ya I was sick for like a week." I laughed she wasn't laughing I'll say. "Wow, what are we gonna do" "leave before I'm forced off in a marriage." "Good Idea" she gave me a sorta smile."well let's go to work." I said returning the sorta smile.

Once our shifts were over I took her to go meet Jaime and Claire. As we walked through what felt like endless halls we eventually found Jaime and Claire's quarters . I nocked on the door to see a content Claire, I could see Jaime in the back smiling drinking what looked to be tea."oh hello Stephanie, what a pleasant surprise. Who is this?" "This is Lizz my cousin, she's like us" her face became a more serious expression."why don't you two girls come in" she said. "Who is this?" Jaime questioned while looking at my cousin. "This is Lizz she's like me and Claire... She just found her way here" "oh" Jaime said, then he grabbed his flask and poured it into whatever he was drinking in his mug. "How did you get here Lizz?" Claire questioned "well Stephanie, my family, and I were vacationing here in Scotland in the year 2020 visiting some extended family, and we lost stephanie. We were looking for moths we haven't left since , I was at the stones looking for answers, clues, somthing, anything really. Then next thing I know this weird static sound starts getting loud and I got this weird instinct to touch the stones and then I woke up here."Lizz explained  "Great" Jaime chimes in. "But Claire we need to leave before the wedding, Lizz could leave alone and if that needs to happen so be it, but I can't stay here we need to go" "I see" Claire said looking at me then Lizz and back at me "we'll figure something out. Meanwhile we need to get to the dining hall." She said. "Alrighty then." Jamie gave me a confused look "all right" I corrected myself, he's confused expression turned into an understanding one. I think he's buzzed.

As we walked to the dining hall Lizz asked me quietly "what did you mean by if I have to leave alone?" "They are trying to marry me off to their son I can't exactly leave." I responded in the volume. As we sat down to eat I could see Patrick coming over. yuck. "Hello future lady Mackenzie, who might this be?" "This is my cousin Beth, she was supposed to come with me when I first arrived but we got split up" I spat, still mad at him . " y'know Stephanie you should get over it was your fault not mine, I was just to correct you" he winked and walked away with an Annoying smirk, I wanted to punch off of his face. "Is that the famous Patrick?"Lizz asked "yup" I responded annoyed with that annoying interaction we just had.

During the evening Fergus and one of the kid brought another bed to my room, for Liz I presume. "Thanks gentleman" Lizz said as she gave them a smile. "Anytime lass" the other boy smiled, she smiled back. She shut the door as they left. "Ok the boy who said "anytime lass" was pretty hot" she said in a whisper "your such a dork Elizabeth Kent" I said in a playful matter and she just giggled. "So let's talk Steph, how the fuck are we gonna break out of this place." "I'm thinking Claire and Jaime can sneak us out of of here. Maybe they can hide us?" I said in a questioning tone. "We'll talk about it tomorrow since we don't have work." "Well goodnight" "goodnight"

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