Then it hit me I wasn't in 2020 anymore like the stories said witch would explain why it was morning now "no I do not have an escort" I said wearily " Ok where are your parents?" I froze not knowing what to say I said " they died " then he proceeded to say "then where are your guardians ?" Still not knowing what to say I said "don't have any I'm all alone now...." I said putting on a sad look hoping he would pitty me " ok wait here." The men were whispering and the next thing I knew I was thrown over a horse in a weird position with my hands restrained then I heard " you're coming with us and we're taking you to captain Randall ." Then I said "NO YOU ARE NOT!" I sad raising my voice then I was pulled off the horse and was held at knife point "you will come with us whether you wish to or not . " He said in a scary tone then I said "please don't take me I'll only be a burden to you guys" the men laughed at me and one of the red coat's said "how old are you?" He said in a nonthreatening way then I said "15 and a 1/2 ..." I mumbled nervously then they started to laugh again and said "you are definitely going to be of more use now" they both said as one of them said "captain Randall is gonna love this one . So young and cute she is most likely a virgin to " "yup let's just hope these Scots won't see us or there gonna steal the girl" he chuckled as the other guy did to eventually we stopped it was just outside of Inverness the 2 of them gave me a don't do it look and one said "if u try to run so help me i will pull a stick off a tree " I knew what he was saying but I didn't care I just wanted to go back to my time more specifically Craigh Na Dunn and if getting hit by a stick was the punishment I'm gonna run so I leaped of of the horse and darted I ran for about 5 minutes and then I hid behind a tree to catch my breath I could hear them coming so I ran faster than I thought my legs could take me I noticed that there was a small hill and I could hide down there so l leaped down luckily they didn't find me . Not knowing where or when I was I just started wandering around the highlands I assumed I then heard more horses I turned around it wasn't red coats it was definitely some Scottish men but I wasn't about to go through that again so I started running as fast as I could . Thankfully I was part Scottish so I blended in pretty well I heard a voice saying "STOP" but I didn't care I looked back then I got a better look it was a younger guy in what I assumed mid 20's he had red curly hair and be was a Scot that's what I could tell but I kept on moving I saw I could make a turn so I did it was very steep and rocky not very safe let's just say that and I'm already a really clumsy person anyways I slid down the path and the man caught up to me with to horses with people on them behind him I looked down at my leg to see a nasty cut that was spilling blood then I heard another voice a British Woman and even with my leg I still got up and tried to run because I assumed they were looking for me but In my fragile state I wasn't able to move as fast and I was basically limping while attempting to run

wrong time
FanfictionThis is a story about a girl passing through Craigh Na Dunn to the year 1746 where she runs into Jamie and Claire Frasier .....