Chapter 8

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"It was nothing." You replied to Draco's statement.

"Well it has to be something if your face is bright red." Draco snarled.

You quickly pushed past Draco and went to the mirror to see that your face was bright red like a tomato.

"I swear it was nothing, I was just scared." You quickly said stuttering on your words.

"If you say so." Draco shrugged and walked out of your room.

You were alone in your room with your memories replaying back of what Lucius said to you. It happened all so fast and you still weren't sure if you were dreaming. You weren't sure if Lucius was playing with your feelings deep down you knew he was but you didn't want to admit it.

You shook your head in response to the thoughts you were thinking, and went to your bathroom to take a bubble bath.

Once you finished getting your bath ready you started to undress yourself till there was a knock at the door.

"Im changing!" You exclaimed.

But the person who was behind the door didn't care. The door swung open to reveal Lucius Malfoy. You quickly grabbed the towel to wrap your naked body from Lucius, and in response Lucius smirked.

"My apologies Miss. (Y/L/N) for disturbing you and your bath but I came to inform you that we are throwing a formal ball tomorrow and in an hour Narcissa is going to take you to Diagon Alley to pick your dress and whatever else of your liking."

Your mouth opened wide. "So a shopping spree?"

"Not precisely dear just a dress, shoes to match, and whatever jewelry you like."  Lucius snickered.

"To me that's a shopping spree! Thank you Lucius." You replied so happy that you went up to Lucius and gave him a big hug which surprised him.

You looked up at him while still hugging him. "Tell Narcissa I would be down there in a few to just let me get ready."

Lucius nodded his head and left your bathroom.

Your first ever 'royal' ball, you were quite excited to see what would happen and how it would turn out. But you were scared to go to Diagon Alley with Narcissa after the acounters you had with Lucius and having his tongue down your throat.

You turned off the water for the bath you were going to take and went to your closet to pick an outfit for today. You grabbed a green lacy crop tank top and black shorts. As you finished getting dressed and you were putting on makeup there was another knock at your door.

"Come in!"

The door opened to reveal Lucius again.

"Change now." Lucius demanded.

"What why?"You asked.

"Too revealing now go change."

"But it's hot outside."

"I don't care go change."

"No." You were scared deep down that you just told Lucius Malfoy no.

But surprisingly he didn't say anything he just looked at you and left your room.

When you finished putting your makeup on and doing your hair you went downstairs to the living room to see Draco in his normal black suit outfit.

"You're not going to be hot?" You asked so curiously wondering how he wasn't already sweating.

"I'm Draco Malfoy, I don't sweat."

"Now who came up with that lie."

"Actually it's true hun, ever since Draco was a baby he never sweated." Narcissa stated as she walked in the living room.  "But is everyone ready to go?"

My Angel ( Lucius Malfoy x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now