Gengar Pov.
As Gengar and the others was focus on Tenya to recover his lost memory most of them are now exhausted and very tired.
"Gengar how much long will it takes most of us here are already exhausted." Ibarra said
"I see that evenly me as well is also exhausted... If you guys want some take a break for a while and let me handle the rest here." Gengar said as he let them to take some rest
"Please Tenya remember... remember..." Gengar said
Salazzle Pov.
"Ahahahahaha.... Come on kneel before your queen..... Ahahahaha..." Salazzle said
"Yes our queen please keep on hitting us..." One of the men said who bow downs to her
"Yes our queen..." Another one of the men said who bowed down to her
The heroes, villain and officers are struggling on Midnight who was being possessed by the villain Mismagius and then calls themselves as Salazzle, the villain version of Midnight who release a powerful flame on her whip and dangerous poison gas from her perfume. Most of them are badly injured from her income attacks as her whip was lashing everywhere and her perfume keeps spraying everywhere.
"Salazzle or Mismagius.... Whoever your making so much damage already..." Eraserhead said and whip hit on his head making him fell unconscious and pass out and awkward moment came.
"Okay I was about to say that my slipped but hey it turn out to be a good one." Salazzle said in a sassy tune
"You will pay for that." Present Mic said and inhales some air and before he is about to yell the perfume bottle was already in front when he is about to open his mouth, the bottle spray a strong perfume on his mouth to make him not to use his quirk and made him cough hardly and painfully.
"(Present Mic heavily coughing) What was that you spray on my mouth? (Present Mic heavily coughing)" Present Mic said
"Since this beautiful lady is a poisonous one it's normal for her to wear an expensive perfume that I spray on your mouth, and be glad the thing I spray on your big loud mouth is not a poison gas." Salazzle said
"It.....'s..... s......ti.......ll......." Present Mic said as almost fell down and walks away.
"Not my problem anymore.... Ahahahahahahaha...." Salazzle said as she begun enjoying tormenting her enemies
In some hidden area on where some heroes, villain, and officers are hiding on her sadistic torment most of them are now scaredy cats from her torture, some are in frozen in fear or in shocked on Salazzle's sudden appearance. They can't plan anything because she is unpredictable they evenly receives a powerful scratch mark by using a 'Shadow Claws', and there are male that are force to come out by Salazzle doing a blow with a kiss called 'Attract' then receives a final blow of her whip 'Swift' attack.
"Let's have something fun will you." Salazzle said
"Okay same as before how can we make Midnight aka Salazzle now free from Mismagius?" Endevour said
"Good luck haven't you forget.... She's now very poisonous..." Kamui Wood said
"If only Gengar was here we able to stood a chance." Mt. Lady said as everyone agrees on her word
"Oh Gengar hurry up...!!!" Everyone yells in sync as they begged for Gengar for helped
Gengar Pov.
As Gengar still on doing the best he can to recover Tenya's lost memory.
"Gengar how much long we have to take this we're already out of energy." Ibarra said
"Gengar you also tired and exhausted as well so please rest." Monoma said
Then the Dynamax mouth begun to open revealing Tenya walking to the exit and making everyone surprised as the the Dynamax vanish along with the terrain, and they've saw him mumbling his mouth with a repeated same line words as they as his eyes were covered from his hair.
"How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget..." Tenya said his mumbling words very softly
"Tenya do you remember everything now?" Gengar said as Tenya gaves a silent response
"Tenya... Brother are you okay?" Tensei ask then a surge of yellow and blue electricity was gathered all around on him.
"Tenya what's happening?" Gengar asked
"How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget... How can I forget..." Tenya said his mumbling words very loudly making everyone surprised then they saw a lot of tears appearing out of his both eyes.
Then the surge of electricity begun to grow stronger and stronger then starting to encircle and engulf his body, he then begun to move and in just a sec he runs very very fast leaving a blue and yellow electricity from his marks.
"Is that what you mean?" Mr. Iida said in disbelief
"Indeed Mr. Iida that's the super-skill called 'Speedster'." Gengar said then his earphone rangs
"Gengar we need help right away!" A hero said from his call
"No need to worry helped is on the way." Gengar said
"You guys I handle this from your care." Gengar said
"No need to ask go now and stop Mismagius." Ibarra said then Gengar flew all his way to te battlefield
Heroes Pov.
As everyone in the battle field are still struggling they felt something weird and then they've a blue and yellow electricity leaving a track, as they've saw it made them wow and amaze from the glowing hue they saw it reaching the sides of the building as it circles around then one by one it helped the people who being victim by Salazzle.
"What? Wait I recognized this electricity..." Salazzle said
As every people are now out in the battlefield it went the figure begun rubbing both of arms with enough electricity, and slams it on Salazzle's back successfully releasing Mismagius out on Midnight's body. Then it immediately took Midnight's body away from Mismagius
Then it returns back and face Mismagius as it's stop it reveals young man with black hair, pale skin, and gold eyes. On his eyes he has a red eyeliner and both of his arms has a yellow tattoo.
He has a black puffs both on his shoulders and he only wears a dark blue pants with a black thick multiple cloth that wraps around on his hip and with a chain tail with a shuriken star on the tip. He a black gloves on his hands and a blue band on his feet.
"You... no way... So you are actually alive..." Mismagius said
"Who was that?" Mt. Lady asked
"Tenya..." Gengar said as he appears to the heroes
"That's him." Best Jeanist said and made everyone surprised
"Indeed that's Tenshi or should I say." Gengar said as he paused for a moment
Ghost Magic
Fanficthis fanfic is were our character izuku has same powers (quirk) from the Pokemon Mismagius and has same personality of Shadow Ghost in Knight Squad.