Sam x Ponk (Angst) Pt. 2

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Title: Dealing With Trauma - Part 2

Type: Angst

Plot: Look at part 1

Extra info: Again this is set in a real life sorta setting. The characters have boundaries to their abilities and can't just punch through solid stone like in game. Though re-spawn is still a thing.
     Sam stayed quiet hoping he was wrong as to where they were wanting to take him. And that history wouldn't repeat itself.
     Though hope is only that, hope, and it sure as hell isn't something that can get him out of this mess. As they approached their destination, Sam was growing more and more anxious about what was to come.
     He was trying to think of anything, anything, that could get him and Fran out of this situation but he kept coming up blank. Running wasn't an option they'd just bow Fran, attacking wasn't either he was outnumbered and everyone was in netherrite.
     The safest bet was to cut the lead and hope that Fran ran, though he knew that the loyal dog wouldn't. But he also knew that, with the place they were headed, the torture of being trapped in that room may be worse. Once they got to the all to familiar room, Ant made sure to block the exit as Bad moved to be infront of Sam. He wore a serious expression when stating, "Give me your picks, Sam."
     Sam froze remembering this same scene playing out just merely a few weeks prior. "I-I... can't do that Bad..."
     "I think you may have misunderstood me, Sam," Bad unsheathed his sword and pointed it at Fran, "I wasn't asking. Now I suggest doing as requested, or else... some... unpleasant things may happen."
Contemplating his options Sam sighed, Fran was one of the good things that was a constant to him and he couldn't let that die. But he also couldn't let Bad of all people have that much control over the prison. The options were clear but which do you choose? The one thing that's kept you sane threw all of this, or giving up the one thing that could lead to the demise of what you cherish?
Bad was growing impatient, but had expected this. While what he was doing was extremely messed up it was smart. He knew that as long as he got Sam here it didn't matter what else happened.
Bad walked over to Ant and handed Fran off to him. Sam was watching the transaction closely. But grew panicked as Ant started walking away with Fran, said dog clearly not happy with this and was trying to bite him or the lead. Owner of the dog quickly tried to follow only to be shoved down by Bad.
"Ah ah ah~ I don't think so. Ant's gonna tie Fran up and come back down here. Meanwhile though I'm making sure you stay put." Bad grinned at his own plan. Leaving out some minor details to make sure Sam doesn't get any working ideas.
While Sam knew that he might be able to take Bad he also knew what the egg's influence does to people. Usually their morals kinda go out the window and he didn't want to test how better someone could be at fighting with nothing holding them back. Also Ant was just outside, if Bad needed to, he could call for Ant. Speaking of looks like his window closed as Ant came down the stairs.
"So, Sam, are you going to cooperate? Or will we have to do things by force?" Bad questioned. Sam hated everything about this. He wanted this to just be a nightmare, to wake up and everything be fine, but he knew that wasn't an option.
"I'm not staying down here. You don't have Fran to threaten me with so I can and will fight if I must." Sam knew this was a bad idea but it was his only option.
"Hard way it is then," Bad looked over to Ant, "Ant disarm him." With that Ant attacked Sam but was easily blocked. Attacking and blocking continued for a bit but Bad went behind, catching Sam of guard and forcing him down, restraining him in a sense. "I warned you Sam. Now, Ant grab his picks and such." Despite Sam's struggles Ant grabbed his things and put them away.
"Am I getting those back?"
"Depends," Bad stated forcing Sam on his feet, "Now I'm gonna need you to stay here."
"What makes you think I'm actually gonna do that?"
"This." With that Ant used his sword and stabbed Sam's leg.
"Fuck-!" Sam yelped.
"Language." Bad received a glare from Sam, but ignored it and dragged him over to the egg, "Your kinda slow."
"Well sorry but your friend kinda stabbed me!"
"That's fair. Now your gonna stay right next to the egg and we are going to put you in a little box, again. Cya in a few days, Sam!" Bad said with an almost sick amount of cheerfulness in his voice. Sam tried to stand but Bad kicked his wound causing him to fall back down with a hiss.
     Unable to do anything the creeper hybrid just say there and watched them put blocks around him.

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