2: express yourself

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╰─▗ ▘➤𖥸 chapter two
where car ride buddies reunite in
an unexpected way

ELIZA HAD BEEN LOST IN her thoughts of food and wanting to run through a European castle when Rachel Berry decided to speak up.

"Can I ask you guys something private?" Rachel inquired, uncertainty in her voice. She wasn't sure if she was making the right decision by talking.

"Yes, you should move to Israel," Santana said. Eliza and Quinn looked to each other for support in not laughing, but it wasn't their wisest move.

"It's about dating," Rachel revealed. Everyone's attention shifted to her– not that they were intrigued, it was that none of them particularly wanted to hear about Rachel's love life and wanted to be ready to shut her up once it inevitably got disturbing.

"Not that I'm dating anyone," Rachel continued. "We all know that Finn and I are no longer an item and for the sake of the team, I broke up with Jesse," Rachel insisted. Her hands flailed around in different motions as if that would make her obvious lie more believable.

"But let's just say I was dating someone. Let's just say, hypothetically, we went to a Wiggles concert last Friday night, and then because my dads weren't home, we went up to my room and started making out. It was erotic and romantic."

Eliza hadn't paid attention to the rest of the tale, she was stuck on the part where Rachel mentioned taking Jesse St. James– and she had to emphasize Jesse St. James– to a Wiggles concert. She could imagine just how miserable the poor boy was in that crowd.

"Would you please stop talking?" Quinn said. The girls all thanked the blonde in their heads. "You're grossing out my baby."

Eliza turned her head to Quinn and rubbed her shoulder sympathetically. "It was her use of erotic, wasn't it?"

Rachel was hurt that none of the girls seemed to care about this problem that was genuinely troubling her, but still, she decided to continue venting. "I just want to be ready. I know I'm getting older, and these things are going to happen someday, but... how do I stop a guy from getting mad at me for saying no?"

Santana's head lit up, she thought she had some pretty good advice to give the younger girl. "Just do what I do. Never say no."

"Oh, totally," Brittany agreed, pointing to the Latina Cheerio beside her. "I mean, what's the worst that can happen?"

Eliza almost let out a laugh at that, but she managed to suppress it with a small smile. She turned to Quinn, who shared the same expression. "How are you feeling, Quinn?"

"Pretty pregnant, how about you?"

Mercedes and Tina contributed to the conversation while Quinn and Eliza drifted out into their own world, still crumbling with laughter.

Will Schuester eavesdropped on the conversation from not so far away, because apparently doing so was much more important than grading tests. He set his work aside and approached the girls. "Hey, guys. Sorry to interrupt your little sorority, but I couldn't help but overhear. Are you really having that much boy trouble?"

"A little more patronizing, please," Eliza muttered. Her tolerance for her teacher had dwindled down further after their trip to Carmel the previous week.

Quinn placed her hand on her stomach and replied, "You wouldn't understand, Mr. Schue. You're a guy."

"Well, then maybe you should talk to someone else about it. Like Ms. Pillsbury," Mr. Schue suggested.

𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐍 𝐓𝐎 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 | jesse st. jamesWhere stories live. Discover now