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*15 years ago*

A saber pack was relaxing on a big rock in an open field as they did their own thing

The alpha, who was a big male saber with brown fur with dark brown spots and grey eyes sat on top of the rock and looked at his mate, a sabress with white fur and black stripes with brown eyes and had three golden earrings in her left ear, she sat alone as she felt so miserable and heartbroken

They both couldn't get that incident from last night out of their mind, when their only cub got attacked and killed by a cave lion

The sabress stood up and walked to the forest to calm herself down, she then suddenly heard a baby crying in the distance

She ran towards the crying sound, only to arrive at a human campsite that was completely destroyed

She gasped at the sight of the dead human bodies scattered around the place and totally torn apart, she sniffed the ground and gasped once more

"Cave lions" the sabress thought as she heard the crying coming from one tent that was still intact, but the entrance was blocked by huge logs

She pushed the logs away and walked into the tent as she saw a human baby girl crying in a basket

She looked at the baby's arm and saw two deep cuts as the baby continued to cry, she sniffed her arm as she gasped at the fact that cave lions did that to her

"those monsters!" the sabress whispered as a growl escaped from her throat as she checked the baby to see if she had more injuries

But luckily she did not

"Shh, Shh. Don't cry, it's ok. I'm here" the sabress shushed as she carefully wiped the baby's tears away with her paw

The baby reached out and gently touched the sabress's paw and cooed quietly

The baby had dark skin, black hair and sea foam green eyes

"That's right, I'm here" the sabress whispered as the baby quickly forgot the pain in her arm while she squeaked happily

The sabress smiled and carefully picked the baby up with her mouth, sat down and carefully puts her in her arms

The baby yawned as nuzzled close into the sabress fur

The sabress licked the baby's head soothingly and nuzzled her, like a mother to her baby, she suddenly heard a low growl coming from behind

She quickly turned around as she was face to face with a cave lion with light brown fur that was the same size as she was, she recognized him as the one who killed her cub last night, she gently put the baby back in the basket and charged at the cave lion as she attacked him

Luckily he was a weakened earlier, so she managed to defeat him with ease, it only left her with two deep cuts on her muzzle and a little piece of her ear got ripped off, she quickly ran away with the baby in her mouth

She stopped, puts the baby down and looked back at the camp, she let out a protective yet intimidating roar to the lion

"You took my first chance away at motherhood and you're not gonna take away my second!" The sabress shouted

She then picked the baby up and went back to the pack

Back there, the whole pack saw the sabress coming with her injuries, they rushed towards her with worried looks on their faces

The sabress puts the baby down and holds her up with her paw

"Leah! Are you alright dear?" The first saber asked worried

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