Chapter 5: Stranded at Switchback Cove

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Noa had trouble to fall asleep last night, due to the fact that she has no fur, so Diego kept her warm by laying right next to her and wrapping his arm around her

The herd was floating around as Noa was the only one who was still asleep, Diego smiled as he saw how peaceful Noa looked when she's sleeping

She suddenly woke up with a start after Sid was yelling at the top of his lungs

"W-w-what happened?! Are we home?" Noa asked as she looked around, only to see that they were still at the ocean and groaned in irritation as she rolled her eyes

Sid banged the clam on the ice as the berg splits again

"Screw-up" Granny snapped as she poked him with her cane as the ice broke off

"Oh, Sid. Ow!" Manny exclaimed as he tried to stay on the berg but bumped into Noa and the two sabers

The three steadied themselves

"We'll never make it home on this thing" Diego muttered

"Oh, well, maybe you should have thought of that before you capsized our berg, genius" Shira sneered

"Yeah, trying to escape" Diego argued

"Wimp" Shira spatted

"Whiner" Diego spat back

"Crybaby" Shira spat as Manny yelled


"Yeah, land. Wait. What?" Diego asked in confusion

"Not her. There!" Manny exclaimed as he pointed into the distance

"Wha...?" Diego started as they all saw a small island

"Land!" Manny yelled excitedly

"Everyone, paddle! Paddle!" Manny cried as he and the others paddled towards the island, when they reached the shore, everyone jumped off the iceberg as Diego and Noa immediately collapsed to the ground while Sid walked up to a bush full of "berries"

"Food! Oh, I missed you so much. Look at me. I've wasted away" Sid mumbled as he quickly eat the "berries", but bees flew out of his mouth and nose as he screamed and slapped himself that caused him to fall

"Okay, snack time's over. We got to build a raft" Manny said as he picked up a piece of wood

"Manny" Diego and Noa groaned in protest

"Wow, Shira must really hate building rafts" Sid spoke up as everyone saw the sabress running away from the herd

"Go get her! She can help us get back" Manny exclaimed as Diego got up

"Shira!" Diego yelled as he chased her

After a few minutes, Manny, Sid, Granny and Noa walked after the two sabers as Noa tracked them down, although she her senses weren't really the best, she could track them down just fine

They came to a rock incline and the only path seemed to be straight up, Noa climbed the rocks as Manny, Sid and Granny were left behind while they were scanning the area

"Diego?" Noa called as she looked around when suddenly Diego came from behind a tree making her jump

"There you are" Diego smirked

"Man, scaring me like that, never do that again!... where's Shira?" Noa asked

"Over there" Diego replied as he gestured to the tree behind him

"But don't mind her, I think I found the way back home" Diego explained as he walked to the edge of the incline while Noa raised an eyebrow

"What?" Noa asked as she followed him to the edge, she gasped as she saw Switchback Cove

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