Chapter 9: To the Herd Valley

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The whole herd was still at the ship as they watched for Manny to come back

Suddenly the whale from earlier appeared out of the water with Manny on top of her

"Dad!" Peaches cried as the crowd cheered at the mammoth's return

"How's that for an entrance?" Manny exclaimed as the whale brought him to the edge of the boat and ran to his family, Peaches ran to her dad as she hugged him

"Dad!" Peaches cried as Manny returned the hug as Ellie came by

"Manny" Ellie said as she nuzzled him

"I told you your father would never give up on us" Ellie said as she, Peaches and Manny embraced each other

"Never" Manny added

They also looked at Noa who was embraced by her parents as she returned the embrace and smiled warmly at their reunion as Shira and Leah also reunited

The whale suddenly shot Sid out of her blowhole who was screaming as the sloth landed on his feet for once as his face lit up

"Hey, I actually-" Sid started as Granny landed on top of him, she got up and waddled away as Sid stood up

"You know, Sid, you're not such a screw-up" Manny smiled

"Aw, really?" Sid asked

"Really. You're a hero" Manny said as Sid smiled at him

"You too, Granny" Diego complimented when Granny pulled him by the neck with her cane

"Thanks, lady" Granny cackled

"So, still want me on your scurvy crew?" Shira asked sarcastically

"You bet. Welcome to our herd" Diego smiled warmly at the sabress

Noa looked over at Peaches and Louis

"I can't believe you did that for me. Thank you" Peaches thanked the molehog

"Well, someone once told me, no matter what, you never leave a friend behind" Louis replied as Noa walked over

"Hey, guys" Noa greeted as the two looked at her

"Noa, we missed you!" Louis cheered as he hugged her leg as she and Peaches looked at each other and smiled

All this sweetness is gonna rot my teeth. If I had any" Granny spoke up as everyone laughed

"I missed you guys too" Noa replied to her friends, when they got interrupted by the crumbling of the continent as Peaches stepped forward

"Our home is gone. Where do we go now?" Peaches asked but no one answered


Later, the herd's ship led them under a magnificent rock overhang and into the bay of new land, Precious gave them one final push to the boat and let them go before the water became too shallow for her

Granny waved goodbye as the whale affectionately sprayed Granny as she laughed

"Aw. Mama loves you too!" Granny called as Precious dove back into the ocean

They looked up in the sky and saw the hyraxes coming down the ship as Sid and the leader greeted each other and then hugged as the hyraxes all cheered

Peaches, Louis, Noa, Nathan and Ryan stood together as they were amazed at the new island

"Whoa! I can't wait to check this place out" Louis gasped excitedly

"Me too" Noa agreed

"Excuse me?" Manny asked as he stood in front of the group

"Dad!" Peaches gasped

"When you five get off this ship, I expect you all to... have fun" Manny said

"Huh?" Louis muttered

"You're a brave kid, Wiener" Manny complimented the molehog

"Wait, what?" Peaches asked

"You heard me. You should go out and-and explore. Go where the day takes you. But be back before sunset" Manny replied

"An hour after sunset?" Peaches asked

"Yeah, not a minute later" Manny replied as Peaches chuckled

"Deal. I love you, Dad" Peaches smiled as she nuzzled her father as Ellie walked over

The others walked over to a group of other teen mammoths

"Hey, okay if we hang out with you guys?" The male mammoth asked

"Sure" Louis replied as he fist-bumped the mammoth's trunk

"I always liked him. Louis the hero. Brave-a-licious" the female mammoth muttered to her friend as the group walked off

The adults were having conversations about their lives and their children

Diego and Shira were dating now, the pack became friends with the herd, it was all perfect

Noa and Peaches were exploring the island and were jumping and swinging from tree to tree

"I'll get you!" Peaches called while she swung on the vines

"Just you wait, slowpoke!" Noa exclaimed as they laughed and continued to do so

Back at the beach, a boat stranded at the shore as a pride of 10 to 15 cave lions came off

"Finally! We made it!" One of them huffed as he collapsed to the sand

"Don't be such a baby!" The other one growled when they heard someone growling in a low voice


As they all looked back, they saw the leader of the pride coming to the shore who was extremely big and muscular as they all bowed to him

"Follow me, I'll find us a place" the leader said darkly

"Yes, Master Zane" the lions replied as they all walked off the beach

Authors note: sooo, yeah. This was Continental Drift, hope you enjoyed it! I wanted to make a story between Continental Drift and Collision Course. It's mostly about Noa, I thought it needed a story, because there's also a lot of things that happened, like, how Peaches met Julian, etc. Happy reading, bye!

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