Chapter 16

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Waking up was like pulling myself out of deep cold water, I was groggy and disorientated, my eyes heavy and my limbs dense. I couldn't remember a thing from when I was last awake, and I was in a calm silent serenity only for a few seconds before my mind caught up with the present. My eyes snapped opened, and I sat up fast, looking around I saw that I was in my room, still looking strangely too big; I was alone, and it was dark. The balcony doors were opened, and the curtains blew in the cool night breeze.

Pulling the covers off me I noticed I had a different change of clothes on, soft silky night clothes covered my body and I wondered who changed me. As I walked over towards the balcony, I noticed with relief that I wasn't sore or achy.

I gasped, startled by the tall figure standing on the balcony. He turned; relief evident on his sombre, alluring face. "Welcome back," Fenrisúlfr said, "How do you feel?"

"Fine, completely fine." I frowned, "My mother? Danny, Alazne? Are they okay?" The anxiety grew; twisting around my heart the longer I waited to hear his reply.

"They're all okay, there's no need to worry." He reassured me, but I found it hard not to worry despite his words, I wanted to see them for myself, to see that they were all okay with my own eyes; so, I voice my desire, but he shook his head, "You cannot, we are still in lockdown. They are safe in the infirmary for the time being."

"From this morning?" How long does it take to search the whole pack? "Aren't you meant to be out there with your Guardsmen searching?"

He walked back inside, his eyes piercing mine, "I wasn't going to leave you unconscious with no protection." I shivered, whether it was from the breeze through the open doors or his open confession to keeping me safe, a little bit of hope for him blossomed in my chest. "It's late, you should get some more rest, you might still have some Aconitum in your system."

That started me, "The devils helmet? I could have died!"

"You were given a small does, enough to briefly paralyse you. Your magic prevented any major damage from occurring, however we gave you the remedy necessary to hinder any more harm."

Oh fuck! "Why...what did this guy want?" Then I remembered the words he spoke to me, and I paled.

"What it is?" Fenrisúlfr demanded, striding up close to me.

I looked up at him, my eyes wide and heart hammering, "He knows."

"Knows what?"

"About us... that we're bonded," his eyes reflected mine, the realisation slowly sinking. "He sent the pack of rogue wolves after me, and when you turned up, he knew then!"

He breathed heavily, trying to stay calm, "What else did he say?"

"He said," I paused, becoming anxious, the name ringing a bell in my memory, "He said tell Fenrisúlfr Fenriz says hi."

He stared at me, the calm before the storm, I could feel the rage grow; see the dread and angst build in his eyes.

"FUCK!" He roared, swinging an arm out he knocked the mirror off the dressing table; I jumped, the shatter startling. Running his hands through his hair he paced back and forth as he tried to calm himself down, an agonizing expression covering his beautiful but regretful face. "Motherfucker!" He swore again. He breathed hard, his eyes darkening, his fists clenched so hard that his knuckles turned white, and he growled, loudly, dangerously.

I could feel him, his wolf, as it pushed to the surface in anger, needing a way to let the anger out. His eyes flamed as his control slipped, in that moment he looked fierce and savage, he could destroy everything in the state he was in, and not care who or what got hurt or ruined in the process.

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