Chapter 8

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"You look beautiful, Lope." Cedric complimented as I reached the bottom of the stairs. I turned back to his towering figure looking down on me. Emily had her hand reached across to his chair, looking troubled.

"Thank you," I responded smoothly. Knowing his small speech of praise was a cover-up for this vexation of me.

"Enjoy the Quad Ball," He gritted out, stiffly sitting back down. Emily straight away grabbed his hand and pulled him towards her, whispering something in his ear. Nodding slowly to whatever she was saying, his eyes glaring at my back.

Taking a flute of champagne from the nearest stewardess, I took a swing, letting the cold refreshing liquid calm my nerves and relax my body. Dutch, gently taking my arm, led me away from Cedric and Emily. We strolled with feigned confidence across the middle of the dance floor, aiming for the much-needed distance between the alpha and I. "That went better than I expected." Dutch mumbled, ignoring the curious stares that followed us as we went.

A sharp high pitch ring reverberated around the ballroom, and everyone fell quiet as Cedric stood up holding his champagne flute high. Taking Emily's hand, she too stood up and Cedric started speaking, "Welcome, everyone!" He boomed, his voice echoing around the room. "I want to thank everyone for attending the Quad Ball this evening. We have all been very lucky, taking in the recent events, that we are all here together for this celebration. I want to announce before we all get into the swing of things, that this beautiful woman standing beside me will be crowned Luna and Queen during this celebration tonight." My jaw dropped, it was way too soon for her to be crowned yet, and they can only be coronated once mated and marked. That could not have happened already. Emily had only just recovered. "And I will be crowned King!" Cedric lifted his arms up; lifting Emily's as well, their hands intertwined. "The Coronation Ceremony will be performed tonight at midnight, on the Sacred Site." There was a round of applause that mainly lacked enthusiasm.

"Well..." I whispered to Dutch, "There's our punishment."

"I now ask," He continued, "That the Alpha's and their partners join my Queen and I, for the first dance." Descending the throne steps first, Cedric lead Emily towards the middle of the room to where I was standing. Dutch pulled me over, making room as the crowd parted to make the dance floor. I recognised the faces of the other leaders as they stepped out from the crowd and joined my cousin. Soon, as all four Alphas were ready, the music started, and they all started to move in sync with the gentle music.

The ladies' dresses swept the floor as they twirled, led by the men, all the couples dancing around, weaving through each other skilfully.

And at that moment, I could see myself with the Queen's Crown on my head, walking down those throne steps, side by side with Fenrisúlfr and dancing the night away. My heart squeezed. It could have been me, dancing with my bonded, looking glamorous and authoritative while he twirled me around. I found myself craving the intimate attention.

Not being able to watch them anymore, I walked away, leaving Dutch where he was standing. I walked towards a side door, knowing it'll lead to the west courtyard outside.

Once down the narrow staircase, the cool night air kissed my cheeks and cleared my head of nasty thoughts once I opened the door. The sounds of happy chatter, laughter and music was drifting from the balconies above, the soft glow of the lights and half-shinning moon dimmed the colours of the courtyard.

I strolled towards a large round pond holding a fountain, the sound of running water soothing my nervous energy, bringing back the beatific memory of waking up in the meadow with Fenrisúlfr just yesterday morning, right after he saved my life. I wondered then if he was truly a bad man, why he would go to all that effort of saving me if he really was the big bad wolf? I pondered while walking around the garden, running my hands over the closed flower buds, their petals soft to the touch. If he really didn't care, if he really did want me to forget about him, why come back? Why follow me and take me to the meadow? I remembered how he touched my cheek and ran his figures over my back, how he held me from behind, testing how I'd react. I shivered at the thought, wanting to feel his touch again.

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