Chapter 24

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To Fenriz's greatest pleasure, I did not move.

My whole body strained against itself. My muscles aching in the effort to fight the command. My mind splitting in half as my soul ripped apart.

"Amazon," Fenrisúlfr's gruelling voice spoke at me, and my head lifted at the sound of my name.

His body broken, bruised and bloody, his beautiful face haggard and stained, and his eyes. The mesmerising green that had captured my soul, was the only thing that could heal me once I had turned over to the darkness.

"Kill him." Fenriz's voice cut through my mind like ice shards. His demand bending my magic to his will, consuming.

The darkness swirled behind my eyes, pushing through me like a tidal wave. My body trembled; I started choking on the blood draining from my nose.

I closed my eyes, the burning of my blood setting my body afire, burning away what control I had left inside me. Bloody tears slipped from my eyes, my loosing battle escaping me as I was consumed.

"Open your eyes, Amazon." The voice spoke again, it was soft and velvet, my breath of air through the drowning darkness. "It's okay." It split through my mind, "It's okay. Take my life, save yourself. You will be free."

Take my life. His voice echoed through my body.

You will be free.

My freedom, at the cost of his life.

The cost of fear upon the lashes scarring my back. The damage of morn at the death of a parent. The price of cowardness the kingdom now suffers. The value of suffering which brings out true colours. And the profit of power, bringing with it true destruction or absolute creation.

My whole life flashed before my eyes, every action I took, every exertion I was forced into. Every betray and pain I suffered at the hands of others. Every wish and dream I craved. For the love I yearned for. Everything I believed I wanted turned to ashes in my hands, while I lived and breathed in the illusion of freedom.

To the man who will die for me, you have shown me the only freedom I have ever tasted, have created a power within my body, rescued my drowning soul, and brought forth a blaze I never saw.

And I will not let that freedom die.




"That's it, my dear, kill him."

It fought through the water, crawling upwards, reaching towards me.

"Kill Fenri–" I touched the light.

It exploded.

I was blinded by the golden fire. And it crashed through my body like oxygen as I grasp the inferno. Burning away the invaded force of darkness, it rushed through my veins, offering me the solus of my own body.

I cried out, powerfully, deafeningly, as I broke free.

I opened my eyes, which burned bright and deadly.

I grasped the sword that rested on Fenriz's hip.

I was quick, too quick for everyone around me.

And pulling the sword free, I plunged it through Fenriz's chest.

Everyone rushed forwards at once. Every warrior charging at me.

I ripped the sword from Fenriz's chest, his blood spilling forth, the draining liquid sentencing his death. His hands grabbed hopelessly at the hole in his chest, falling to his knees.

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