Chapter 19

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The next day, I was woken early to assist in preparation for the march, I had joined Alazne outside the castle, in the front courtyard, where she was checking off items and loading them into carts. "There are two more supply boxes that go with that one," she was saying to a young boy who was carrying a crate full of food. 

"The other two are in the kitchen storage, miss," the boy was saying, "The other two lads have taken ill, it is only I today."

Alazne pursed her lips, "This haul leaves within the hour, best hurry along."

The boy passed along the crate to a guard loading the cart, "Aye miss." He responded, nodding his head.

"I will help you," I volunteered, "It'll make two trips into one." I smiled at the boy; however, he didn't look so please.

"Dinnit trouble yourself, missis. I will be quick."

"It's no trouble, I'm not really doing anything." The boy glanced at Alazne, clearly uncomfortable.

Alazne shooed the boy away, muttering he make haste. "You can't help him, Lope. You must stay with me." I gave her a quizzical look. "Don't look at me like that. With Fenriz hunting you, I have been assigned your protection today."

"We don't know for sure he's hunting me."

This time she looked at me, her expression suggesting I said something idiotic, "He targeted you out of everyone, if that's not a sign I'll write it in the skies for you."

I crossed my arms, "I wish someone informed me."

"Well, this is me informing you now." She said distractedly, looking through a new crate that just arrived.

I was again out of the loop, and it came with no surprise. Fenrisúlfr must have ordered her this morning. "If you want to be helpful, take over his job." She pointed to the guardsman loading the cart.

The extra food carts were heading to Silver Lupus a day early to prepare the castle for our arrival. Helping fill the carts and watching as the horses got strapped into it, made my stomach flip and my throat close up. I had experienced war before, was trapped in the centre as my father challenged another alpha, witnessed the horrific, scarring site before my eyes as soldiers were killed, tortured, and torn to pieces, hearing the harrowing sounds as wolves died, seeing the sight of endless blood and violence. It was something one never forgets and relives in their dreams as the nights continue on.

And here I am again, however this time was widely different. This time I was older, not young, mature, not naïve, willingly marching, not mindlessly wondering, to face my cousin in battle, instead of being taken prisoner. I shivered, suddenly feeling cold as I thought of the days to come. I would be lying if I said I wasn't relieved I wasn't fighting, I knew I couldn't withstand a long-engaged battle, the possibility of surviving a one-on-one battle was high, however I wasn't betting my chances on survival with multiple competitors.

I wondered if Locke had caught whiff of the up-coming battle from my end, after all she was not aware of Fenrisúlfr's involvement with myself, our mother, and the reason behind his attacks on Red Valley. Her instinct would be to protect her people, which meant the pack, which would mean she would take Cedric's side. However, if she did, Cedric might order her arrest. My head started spinning, so much so I leaned against the cart for support and closed my eyes.

I missed Locke, I missed her so, my mind clashed with opposite feelings. I needed my sister, I needed to talk to her, for her to unravel my confused thoughts, for her to hold me in her arms as she reminded me I was being stupid, or over dramatic, or impatient. I needed her here because she was my solid support, my best friend, my worst critic, and my older sister. But that cannot happen, simply because, she was not the person who I wished she was. My throat burned at the thought of her.

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