Chapter 20

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Hey loves!! I am EXTREMELY sorry about not updating in so long! You see, I got my phone taken by my teacher on Tuesday. It's Friday right now, and I just got it back today! I WENT ALMOST A WEEK WITHOUT MY BABY(my phone)!!!!!

I'm gonna start doing my authors notes at the end of chapters by the way. Lol.

Alright, so, remember my boyfriend I told y'all about? The one that I was with for almost a year? Yeah, we broke up. Turns out, he is a cheating little asshole that needs to fall in a hole, get raped by butterflies, eaten by snails, and pooped out by unicorns. Yupps. I'm gonna make sure that happens to that two timing man whore. Anyone wanna help?

Okay, remember when I told y'all about dropping my phone at school? Well, I dropped it, again. Ya see, I was skateboarding, and texting. I didn't see a stick in the road, and ended up falling off of my board, and my phone flew out of my hand, onto the concrete. So, with all of that said, DON'T TEXT AND SKATE!!!! (; -_-

So, how's life treating y'all? I hope it's treating y'all better than me! Lol.

That song up there is my new obsession!! OMG! And that girl's(Bea Miller) other song Dracula! Omg!

VOMMET! I love y'all! XD

I watched the house, waiting on something, but not knowing what I'm waiting on.

"Hey, you see anything weird yet?" TJ whispered at me.

"No. You?" I asked

"Well, the living room light is on" he pointed out.

I rolled my eyes.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious." I whisper yell at him.

"Your welcome, Sargent Sarcasm" he shot back, and I could practically hear the smirk on his face.

Once again, I rolled my eyes. I've kind of picked it up from Dawn.

"Your not all that clever, so wipe that smirk off your face, Officer Optomisic"

"Whatever you say, Dictator Dickhead" he fired back.

I turned my head to him.

His smirk is plastered on his face, as he stares back.

"Okay, I'm gonna have to give that to you" I said, laughing.

"Would you two shut the hell up!" Beau whisper yells at us.

We turn our gazes back to the two story house across the street from us.

"Pass the binoculars?" I asked

Beau handed them to me, and I put them to my eyes.

The living room light is on. So is a room on the second floor, that has really deep purple, almost black looking, curtains in the window. The only way I can tell the lights are on, is because there's a small crack between them.

"Who's room do y'all think that is?" I asked.

"It could be Dawns" TJ suggested.

Okay, you're probably really confuses right now. So let me fill you in.

Beau, TJ, and myself are spying on Dawn. We are only doing this to find out more about her. It might sound weird, but it isn't... okay, maybe a little.


I stared at my desk, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Don't think too hard, you might shit yourself" TJ said, walking to the black couch, in the middle of my room.

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