Chapter 9

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Dawn's POV

"Sis" I heard someone say, their voice cracking.

"Dawn. Wake up" they said again.

I groaned, and slowly opened my eyes. Everything was blurry at first, but became clear when my eyes adjusted.

I looked over, to my right, to see Jesse, with a tear stained face and puffy red eyes.

"Sis! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I should've come out and-and you were- and I was- and he-" he stuttered, and started to sob uncontrollably.

My heart literally broke.

"J-Jesse. Take a deep breath" I told him.

He did as I said, and took a few deep breathes

"You good?" I asked, raising my eyebrows

He nodded.

"Good. Now help me up" I told him

"I don't think you should be up right now. He beat you really badly on Sunday" he said, unsure

"W-what day is it?" I asked, knowing I might not like the answer.

He looked down.

"Tuesday" he answered.

My jaw dropped.

"Shit! What happened yesterday!" I asked loudly, almost yelling.

I got up, ignoring the agonizing pain and tiredness that went through my body, and limped to my closet.

"Go get ready for school" I told Jesse.

"Sis, I don't think-"

"Jesse, please just go get ready!" I said, nearly begging, and my voice cracked a little.

I looked at the time. I'm suppose to be in 2nd period right now.

He ran into his room, and I put on an oversized white t-shirt and baggy sweatpants with my converse.

I stumble into the bathroom, and look at my face.

I almost screamed.

The bruise on the back of my neck is still there, so are the two gashes on my forehead, and my busted lip. I have a slightly swollen nose and a humongous bruise on my jaw. I have huge bruises on my stomach, waist, and back, as well as gashes from the belt. I put on concealer, then brushed my hair and teeth.

I grabbed an over sized hoodie, to hide my arms, and put it on.

I limped out of my room, clutching my throbbing stomach, and down the stairs very quietly, with Jesse behind me.

I looked in the lounge room to see Jim is passed out on the couch with a half full bottle of beer.

We walked out of the house, and started our way to school.

I yawned.

"What happened yesterday?" I asked Jesse

"He had work" he answered.

When we got to school, it was 3rd period.

I checked us in, and I had to tell the secretary we were out of town and just got back. And by 'tell the secretary' I mean I had to write it down.

We got to our hallways, going our separate ways.

I decided I wouldn't go to my locker. I only have 10 minutes left of the the class I'm suppose to be in right now, then I have lunch.

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