Chapter 11

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Dad yelled at Dawn, and she flinched.

I wish we could just leave this God forbidden house!

"Where's Jesse!" He yelled

"I. Don't. Know." Dawn replied, as if she was talking to a mentally challenged person.

I know what she's doing. She knows what she's doing. And she's doing it to protect me.

I looked out of my hiding spot, through the small crack, only to close my eyes tightly, my breathing decreasing.

Dad has his hand around Dawns throat. At first, he had no pressure around her neck. But then, he started squeezing, slowly. He's making it long, and painful.

Dawn's hands went to Father's, as she desperately clawed at his hand, trying to make him release her.

She started to breath hard, but, then, I noticed she's not breathing hard, but trying to breath.

Her face turned pink, then red, and it got darker, and darker.

Her eyes darted towards me, sending me a warning look- telling me not to move.

Her eyes rolled back, and she went limp. My heart stopes, as well as my breathing.

Father dropped her on the ground, like a sack of potatoes, and walked down the stairs.

I didn't hear a door open, or close, so I'm guessing he's in the kitchen or living room.

I quietly walked out of my hidding spot, and went into the hallway, where Dawn is laying.

Her chest and stomach are slowly rising, and falling. Telling me she's breathing.

I felt tears come to my eyes, as I looked at my beaten, and bruised, and brave sister.

She thinks she's a weak, lame, freak that doesn't deserve anything in life. But, to me, she's a strong, brave, women, that deserves anything, but the life we have.

I carefully picked her up, bridal style, and took her into her room.

I gently laid her down on her made bed, over the covers, and went into the bathroom to get a wash cloth.

I wet it with warm water, and rung it out.

I went back to my sister, and put it on her forehead.

I looked at the clock.

9: 15

I examined her neck, to see a huge bruise begin to form around her throat.

That's gonna be really hard to cover up.

I sat down beside her bed, and just let my thoughts wander.

Dawn thinks she is a weak, worthless, piece of trash. But she's not. She is far from it. She's brave. And she's needed in my life. And she is all I have. And she does whatever it takes to keep me safe. Even if thy means getting herself in danger. And, for that, I give her all of my respect. But, what she needs to understand is that she can't do this forever. She has her own life to live. When we get outta this hell hole, that is.

Everyday, we come home from school, to an abusive dad. Everyday, Dawn is the one that gets beaten, just because she wants to protect me. Everyday, I end up carrying an unconscious Dawn to her room. Only to see, she weighs less than 2nd grader.

I've never asked if she eats. She has enough scraps of money to get us both, at least, a $1.00 sandwich. She always finds a way.

But, then again, I've only ever seen her eat at school. And she doesn't buy her own food. I give her the food I don't eat.

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