Chapter 41

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Dawn's POV

Due to daddy dearest, my left leg buckles with every step I take a step. And so when I walk, I have to keep weight off of thag leg, which leads me into walking with a very noticeable limp.

My tail bone is bruised, my back is soar and hurting, along with my stomach and neck. My cheek is a little swollen but not that noticeable.

What's really going to get the attention of everyone is my swollen shut eye and my off balanced walking. Wonderful.

I was, thankfully, able to cover most of the bruising after a long, painful half an hour with almost all of my foundation. I made a mental note to stop by the store to get more.

I've been to school with a swollen eye before. Just not this school- where people actually talked to me.

My biggest concern was Ryder. I was going to try to stay as far away from him and his crew as possible, but he can be very observant and he's very determined, so I wouldn't be surprised if he saw me. I'm just hoping that he won't.

Jesse carries my bag, but I'll have to take it back when we get to school anyways.

We walk slowly, neither of us wanting to get there any time soon.

When we got there, he handed me my bag, kissed my cheek, and left.

I quickly went to my class, wanting to be the first person there so I wouldn't have to hide a swollen eye from the whole class.
When I get there, I put my head down so no one could see me face, and planned to just do that all day.

That's when it hit me. It's going to take a few days, or even weeks, for the swelling and bruising to go down.

It's not new. I've done this before. But like I said, no on in my other schools paid attention or even cared. This school is different.

The bell rang, and I hear footsteps of students shuffling into the classroom.

Ryder's POV

I wake up to the soumd of silence.

Not an alarm clock, or my mother telling me to get up. Just peaceful silence.

I stretch, and cross my arms behind me head, relaxing.

I didn't have to go to school today, and so it was my time to relax.

Yes, it is Monday. But I had things to do today and so my mom let me skip school.

I get up, and go to my bathroom to get a shower.

An hour or so later, I was wearing gym shorts, a black v-beck, vans, and a hoodie. Soon, I was leaving the house.

I drive down the all too familiar roads, and am eventually out of town.

A little while later, I'm at the place I need to be at.

I walk up to the door, and insert my card in the scanner on the left of it.

The door opens, and I'm engulfed into the loud cheers, different colored lights, and the slight smell of alcohol.

I smile to myself a little.

I crack my knuckles and neck, and start walking to the stage.

Everyone parts as I make my way, and I smirk.

I'm home.

Hey people. As you can tell, I've been lazy and didn't edit so sorry for the typos and stuff. But. Two chapter in one night. Was gonna do more, but I need to get to bed.

Comment. Vote. I love you all.

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