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The talent show had come around and Juniper was stood behind the curtain with her best friend and a woman who's name she hadn't been told. It was far too awkward to ask.

"Glad I don't have to follow this guy." She felt like it began with a G or an M, Wanda had told her about this lovely lady, but sadly the name had not stuck.

Wanda stopped her pacing, waiting for Vision was stressing her out beyond all belief. "Huh!? What?" She asked, her voice weak with worry and distress.

Juniper grabbed her best friends forearm and pulled her near. "You are going to do amazing, okay? You look gorgeous, you'll blow them away with your looks let alone your act, V is just running late, it'll be fine." The girl said, making sure Wanda's eyes stayed on her.

"Are you sure?" She asked, her eyes wide.

"One hundred percent." Juniper whispered, letting go Wanda's arm, so she could return to pacing the floor.

"What time is it now?"

The other woman checked her arm, looking at the watch to read the time. "Hm, two minutes after the last time you asked."

Wanda panicked verbally and Juniper watched the streets, sharing whispers to the dead, asking them to check around.

"I don't where he can be."

Juniper raised a brow as Vision turned up, looking drunk? His steps were uneven and he wasn't as put together as he normally was. He wasn't able to get drunk right.

"I spy Vision." She stated looking back at the shocked two women.

"Well, it looks like he's got a little hitch in his giddy-up."

Juniper snorted at the woman's comment. She helped the man clumsily make his way up the stairs an annoyed look plastering her face.

Vision could get drunk, but she wasn't allowed? Talk about favouritism.

The robot wasn't particularly light and most of his weight was on the weak girl. And she wasn't weak because she was a girl, she was once really strong — well strong enough to fight, at least she thinks she could — but her bodily strength just seemed to decay.

Maybe it was due to her being dead.

Vision wobbled, bring Juniper to the ground with him, she groaned, grabbed the banister, desperately yanking the two of them up.

Upon them standing up, Vision gave them a thumbs up.

Using the banister as help, she pulled the two up the stairs, her grip was tight on the man, nails would be digging in. It was a good job he was robotic and not human. 

"Wanda! My little cabbage, you look smashing!"

His weight left the girl as they stood on the platform.

Juniper placed her hands on her hips, she twisted around and cracked her back, then her neck, as she stared distastefully at the drunken Vision.

Again, why could he get drunk but not her?

The woman went to check in the show whilst Wanda and Vision walked towards each other and Juniper leant against a banister.

Vision grunted a grumbling noise following, seeming something wrong with him.



"Where have you been?"

"Oh! Well, me and the boys were playing a rather thrilling game of horses with shoes." Vision stated, his voice going funny.

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