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When the next day had rolled around and Juniper had gotten the boys into their beds, the pain passed. The Pietro bloke's face was still clear as daylight in her head, but the pain had subsided to its usual amount. Part of it was like getting a fresh breath of air. A fresh breath of air that wasn't the cleanest.

Anyway, the next day she had woken up, but now she remembered. Well, she remembered something. The dark twisted truth of her life.

Juniper Lea remembered drowning.

No cuts, no blood, just her, an overflowing bathtub, tap still running, suicidal thoughts and being possessed in her last few moments — her last few seconds where she could save her self, but she couldn't because both the lack of consent to being possessed and the lack of oxygen had caused her to pass out.

Juniper Lea only remembered drowning in those few seconds. Not her name or anything of relevance but only ( what she assumed was ) her death.

She wasn't sure how she felt about remembering. The girl stood in front of her mirror, her skin was marked as usual — but it was Halloween, so she could get away with it.

Despite having had a good amount of sleep, Juniper was still sleep. Hell, it had just turned afternoon, and she had been up for four hours, each of those she had spent in her room trying to comprehend her memory.

Her assumption was that she survived and got some sort of amnesia from it, hence why she couldn't remember anything else, only that and Pietro's face, though she's fairly certain she had never met him. But the thing is, it wasn't that she forgot anything, it's that there were no proper memories and that her mind was foggy to fill up space and to rid of anything unwanted, because she knew what she had to do, all of it surrounded around her best friend and her family, but there wasn't anything.

Her job was to be the best friend, and she was doing exactly that.

And, god! It all felt planed.

Deep down she knew she had died, but she wasn't prepared to deal with that idea just yet. She also didn't get how she could be dead and here.

But to deal with the unwanted thoughts, she died her hair pink. Go big or go home.

The pain, the marks, his face and drowning. That's what she remembered or what was far to familiar, another reason to why she was dead.

Juniper made her way downstairs, wearing shorts and a jumper, with socks — she didn't like the cold ground against her cold skin.

"This is my costume, I'm the cool twin."  Tommy stated.

Billy looked at him as he was making breakfast, in the afternoon. Huh, it is Halloween. "What does that make me?"

"A dorksaurus rex."

"Not a real dinosaur."

Juniper chuckled, making her way to them as she grabbed an apple. She held it up, loosing her appetite before putting it down with a sigh.


"Yes, Billy?"

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, you look sad, JJ."  Tommy added as the twins stared at her.

Juniper hummed in thought. She didn't tend to think about her feelings, just that she had to be okay. She then shook her head, looking between her nonbiological nephews with a grin, muttering how she was fine before grabbing a can of cherry coke.

The boys looked at each other, clear disbelief being shared between them, but they shrugged nonetheless and looked over at the man who was supposed to be their biological uncle.

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