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Wanda and Juniper weren't left alone for long. Clatters and bangs could be heard from the nursery. Afraid to be alone, just in case some mad psychopath came out to kill them, the duo began to make their way over to get a peak.

They didn't get chance to see anything at the doorbell went off. Wanda jumped in shock and Juniper groaned in pain.

"Oh, shoot."

Juniper carefully dragged her best friend over to the coat area, allowing Wanda to cover herself. No one needed to know that less then twenty four hours was equal to nine months.

Wanda pulled on a blue coat, allowing her grip to drop from Junipers hand. The pale blonde haired girl rushed to the door, checked Wanda was covered before slowly opening it.

Geraldine stood on the other side, looking as gorgeous as ever.

"Wanda, Juniper, what's up?"  The woman said, eying Wanda's coat in confusion. Geraldine couldn't help but wonder how hot Wanda must be feeling.

Juniper and Wanda smiled awkwardly, bright grins to look polite.

"It's seventy five degrees out."

"Wanda is prone to getting very cold, Raynaud's I believe it's called."  Juniper lied, taking control of the situation with a mass of lies was ( for the record ) not fun. She was definitely glad one of the ghosts had called it over to her after Geraldine's weather comment.

Sometimes the dead were useful.

Geraldine let her self in.

Well, at least Agnes isn't the only on to make herself comfortable and walk in as she pleased. Juniper hoped that there weren't many people that did that, it would make for a very awkward situation or conversation. Who knows what one could see and find if they wondered into the home of Vision, Wanda and Juniper.

"Hi, Geraldine. You know, now is not really a good time."  Wanda stated from the place at the door where she stood with her best friend.

"No, no, no, it's foxy."

Juniper furrowed her brows.

"You'll have to let me borrow it sometimes."

Oh. Juniper realised Geraldine believed she was on about the coat. Oh. Well, fair enough.

"But first, I gotta borrow a bucket."

Wanda took the door out of Juniper's tense hands and pushed the door to a close. A 'fuck, fuck, fuck' look on her face.

"Not to wear, to use. Somehow, all the pipes in my ceiling burst at once and I gotta bail myself out."  Geraldine said.

How ironic. Dear Wanda had accidentally caused that. Juniper was amused to say the least.

"All right, sure."  Wanda said, her voice heightening.

Out of new found instinct, Wanda grabbed Juniper's hands, her grip painful and tight. But hey, Juniper gathered it couldn't be as bad as what Wanda was feeling.

This was her newest reminder to not have kids.

"Just stay right there."  Wanda said, dragging poor Juniper with her as she made her way past Geraldine.  "I think I might have a bucket in the kitchen."

"Okay, then."

Wanda and Juniper had made it to the kitchen. Could Wanda accidentally rip her hand off? Juniper was rather sure she could. She hoped she didn't, she liked her hand, it was pretty neat — and it was her dominant hand that Wanda was gripping.

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