🌙🧸Night baby☁️💖

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(3rd person POV)

Richie had invited the losers over to his house because his parents were gone but he wasn't surprised.

"Truth or dare! Let's play!" Bev shouted from the kitchen because she was getting a soda from the fridge.

"Ugh fuck that." Stan hissed.

"C-c-come on it w-will be f-fun." Bill stuttered.

"What do you say Eds?" Richie smirked at Eddie.

Eddie was very hesitant, he didn't like opportunities where his secrets could be revealed.

"F-fine." Eddie shifted in his seat uncomfortably.

Eddie thought no one had noticed but Richie knew when Eddie was uncomfortable and it made Richie feel bad. Richie let out a light sigh and moved from his seat on the floor next to Eddie on the couch.

As the losers were all chatting Richie whispered in Eddie's ear, "why did you say you wanted to play when you clearly didn't?" Eddie looked at Ruchie and then in his lap.

"I'm okay with it Rich, really." Eddie lied.

Richie knew he was lying but he didn't want to push it.

"Okay Ben, truth or dare?" Richie asked.


"Kiss Bev." Richie replied with a smirk.

Ben went red. Beverly smiled and everyone else chuckled except Eddie.

Bev leaned in and kissed Ben because she could see the look of horror on his face.

After a couple more rounds of truth or dare everyone was pretty tired, but no one picked Eddie yet.

"Eddie, truth or dare?" Mike spoke up.

"Um... uh... dare?" He was unsure, he wanted to say truth but that was a risky field right now.

"Okay, I dare you to... cuddle richie for the rest of the night." Mike smiled.

"We cuddle all the time, this is a peice of cake." Richie said and wrapped his arms around Eddie pulling Eddie into his lap. Eddie felt a lot more comfortable now.

They all agreed to watch a horror movie and Eddie definitely didn't like that idea. But once Richie felt Eddie tense up at the words "let's watch a horror movie" Richie leant back on the couch and pulled Eddie to lean on his chest.

Richie smiled as he felt Eddie unclench. Richie propped his chin up on Eddie's head and rubbed his back. Eddie hummed quietly hoping though no one heard but of course... Richie did. Richie was practically squealing inside from the cute hum that escaped Eddie's mouth.

Richie wrapped the blacket around them and continued rubbing his back. Even in the cuddled position they were in, Eddie could still see the TV. After the movie the losers decided to go home.

Eddie felt like he had to go because the losers were all leaving. So, Eddie got up off Richie's lap and headed towards the door. But, Richie pulled him back.

"Stay." Richie said in a calming tone.

"What? But, everyone one else is-"

"I'm asking you to stay." Richie cut him off.

"O-okay." Eddie looked down from Richie's gaze and smiled.

"So what are we going to do?" Eddie said flopping on the couch.

"I don't know, do you want to go to bed or stay up?" Richie asked.

"I could do either so really its up to you Rich."

"I wanna go to bed."

Richie and Eddie moved into Richie's room and Eddie started to set up a space on the floor for him to sleep.

"Eds, what are you doing?"

"First of all I hate the nicknames so cut it out, and second I am making a spot to sleep."

"Um no you're not. You can sleep in my bed."

"Oh I-" Eddie began to say something but Richie just grabbed him and pulled him onto the bed.

Eddie sighed and lifted the covers and shifted so he was facing away from Richie. But Richie wouldn't allow it. Richie flipped Eddie so they were face to face.

Eddie blushed and smiled then reached for Richie's face and carefully took his glasses off for him. Then Richie smiled. Richie scooted closer to Eddie and cuddled up to him.

Richie slipped his face into the crook of Eddie's neck and felt complete warmth which comforted him. Then he slid his arm around Eddie's waist and pulled in closer.

"Night Richie."

"Night baby." As soon as the words left Richie's mouth he shot up.

"I didn't mean to say that!"

"B-but you did."

"I know, I'm sorry." Richie slumped his face into his hands.

"Its okay." Eddie said and wrapped Richie into a hug.

"Aww you're cute when you get blushy." Eddie laughed a little bit.

Then there was a silence and Richie was looking at Eddie's lips but he had to remind himself that it wasn't okay, they weren't dating so they couldn't do that.

"God are you gonna kiss me or not?" Eddie asked impatiently but full of desire.

Without hesitation Richie moved in and kissed Eddie, it was soft but firm all at once and they felt heat from the passion.

When they finally broke for air Richie laid down and Eddie did as well. Richie moved Eddie closer to him and Eddie tangled his legs with Richie's. And then Eddie closed his eyes leaning into the warmth of Richie's breath. Richie just watched Eddie peacefully and used his thumb to create brushstrokes on Eddie cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2021 ⏰

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