Chapter 4 - Tobias/Tris

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The doctor’s words were stuck in my head. Tris had some unforeseen complications during surgery, but she is now recovering. My first instinct was to run into the hospital room, to make sure she okay, and to kiss her. I missed the feel of her body; her lips against mine.

Caleb’s face looked relieved. Christina has known me long enough to know what I was thinking because she asked the doctor, “Can we go in and see her?”

“Let’s wait until she awakes.” That was the doctor’s way of saying good bye.

“When do you think Tris would wake up?” I asked.

The doctor’s eyes revealed he did not want to tell us. At last he said, “As long as Tris needs, and it might take a day... or a few weeks.”

My heart sank to my stomach. “But she’ll be ok, right?” My voice rose to a hysterical pitch.

The doctor just gave us a sad, contemplative smile and walked away.



        I shivered under my thin nightgown before I opened my eyes. I felt stabs of pain behind my eyes and on my chest. I opened my eyes and groaned. I was confused at first I thought “Where am I?” I wonder. The florescent lights burned my eyes as I looked up at the ceiling; I tried to get up.

       “Ahh!” I shrieked and winced as my back felt the freezing metal table underneath me. I was wearing a thin nightgown which did not offer many warmth. My body was sore and stiff-it felt like I must have been unconscious for a while. Someone must have heard me because I heard a door open and close. A black haired, green eyed nurse came in looking startled.

       “You’re awake Ms. Prior,” she stated in a cold voice. “You shouldn’t try to get up just yet, your stitches were just put in, and you just recovered from a hypovolemic shock from all the blood you lost.” Stitches? Hypovolemic shock? What happened?. Then the memories came flooding back like a tsunami, the memory serum, my mother, David, Caleb, and Tobias.

       My heart quickened at the thought of Tobias.

       “Is Caleb okay? Did Tobias get his parents to agree? Where am I? Did it work? What happened? Is everyone ok?” The words flooded out of me before I could stop them, and my voice broke as I said Tobias name.

“You should rest Beatrice.” Was all the nurse told me in her cold voice.

       “But….” I said in a hoarse voice, as I cleared my throat, it felt really dry.

       “No time for talking, or making tantrums child, you will soon understand everything, just rest,” the nurse said in a false sweet voice.

       It got me mad when she said I was a child. I was not a child. “No, I want to know what happened NOW and I want to see my friends,” I said as my voice was getting stronger.

       “Not now Ms. Prior,” said the nurse in a annoyed tone.

       “Why not?” I said looking right into her eyes. I knew I was challenging her; I needed to hear what happened, and I yearned to see Tobias. The nurse just laughed.

       “The boy outside sounded just like you.” The nurse turned to get a syringe from the cabinet; she filled it with a green liquid. My heart skipped a beat. I wanted to ask what she going to do with that, but I already knew the answer. The nurse started toward me. My memories of the different serums had been bad, why should this one be any different? Being Dauntless had drilled in a “fight or flight” instinct; I would choose flight but last time I tried to move it felt like someone had used my chest as target practice.

       The nurse gave me a little smile and said, “This won’t hurt a bit Miss Prior.” She positioned the large needle over my arm and I felt bile rise up in my throat. At the last second I couldn’t let her inject me-I leaped off the bed. I screamed as my chest hit the floor-it felt like the floor was crushing my chest. Like in the Weapons Lab the edges of my vision started to go black; the nurse shouted something into a radio. I tried to roll off my chest but the pain came back. I saw the square floor tiles get smaller as strong arms pulled me off the ground. I saw the nurse run over with the needle while I was held still. I thrashed against the arms, even though my chest burned, while the nurse injected me with the serum. The pain vanished as the arms did, and I crumpled to the ground sighing with relief.

       “Why did you let her move? Your orders were to keep her still until she could be moved to a room!” I recognized the voice-it was Matthews.

       “I’m sorry sir; she resisted treatment and asked questions,” The nurse sounded worried.

       “Given her experiences with serums, don’t you think there was a better way to help her?” Matthew said it like it was a statement rather than a question. The nurse stayed silent. Matthew knelt down beside me. “Are you okay Tris?”

       “I’ve been better.”

       “We’re going to move you to another room.”

       “Will someone answer my questions?”

       “Will you go peacefully?”


***    ***    ***    ***    ***    ***    ***    ***    

I had been sitting in my new room for a while when a nurse suggested I get some sleep. I still did not trust her, but I really was exhausted. I felt myself drift away to sleep.

I was suddenly in the Erudite headquarters strapped onto a metal table. I see Jeanine and Tobias standing near a wall talking. How did I get here?

       I listened to what Jeanine was saying, “Fear is more powerful than pain. So is there anything else you’d like to tell me about the factionless safe houses, before I inject Ms. Prior?” Tobias presses his lips together; Jeanine inserts the needle. I realize I’ve been through this before-it was part of my memory. I see Tobias standing by the door with a knife in his hand. He holds it out from his body and turns it so the blade points in, at his stomach.

I feel myself scream as he pushes the knife into his stomach slowly. Blood rushes out and stains his shirt; I scream for him to stop but he doesn’t hear me.

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