Eight Gates of Heaven

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The next day passed by a blur but the palace was abuzz because the guests had already started arriving for the wedding.

Her maids had become more chatty amongst themselves and she listened to them talking about The King from neighboring country arariving for the wedding.

Dilruba came to know that he wasn't precisely expected because of the age old tensions between their kingdoms. but he came anyways. The question if the hour was, was he here to mend relations or threaten the kingdom.

Dilruba worried her bottom lip as she brewed her plan. If she could gain the friendship of the King of the neighbouring kingdom then maybe she would have a strong ally.

She told one of the maids to send a letter to him expressing her wish to meet him. The maid frowned but she had no time to explain her part.


Dilruba was dressed to the nines in her deep blue velvet dress. Diamonds shone on her neck, hair and wrists. She sat upright in the chair waiting for the king.

The king was announced and she stood up. She curtsied perfectly as she remembered in her childhood days.

"That was a perfect Zeraliyan curtsey. Lady Dilruba are you perchance from the Zeraliyan kingdom?"

She smiled at the king. She had seen the old king when she was a child. But this was not him. The king of Zeraliya looked around her age with golden hair and dusky skin.

"Yes, your majesty. My parents moved here when I was 13." She lied. "I welcome you, please have a seat."

The king had a seat in front of her and she sat after he settled down as it was customary.

"I would've made you my queen if you had stayed in my kingdom, my lady."

Dilruba wore a smile. "The elders always have said to be careful of what you wish for."

"That is true. I am curious though my lady."

Dilruba observed a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"Are you okay with this marriage?"

Dilruba knew what he meant. "I don't know what you mean your majesty."

"Aren't you scared, my lady? Is marriage to the mad king enough assurance?" He leaned back to observe her.

"I trust his majesty won't hurt me but if he does, I hope you will play my knight in shining armour." She teased and put forth the proposition.

"Ofcourse I will. I have never leave such a pretty damsel in distress." He replied with a glint in his eyes.


Dilruba walked back to her chambers. Much was left to be done. Most of all, she wanted to see if her night garments had arrived and choose a suitable one for her wedding night.

She absently walked to her chambers almost missing the mad king in there and ran into him. She was surprised how she missed him considering how much space his presence engulfed.

"Deep in thoughts I see." His eyes burned like embers.

"Yes, the wedding being tomorrow. I was thinking about the preparations." She said bluntly.

"I won't be here tonight. It is forbidden to be together the night before the wedding."

She nodded. The news did disappoint her. She wanted to know why but squashed her curiousity. She walked around him and placed herself at the usual place.

"Would you like to listen to the story?"

He sat down in the diwan wordlessly. She sighed and began her tale.

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