One Moon

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Dilruba stared at the figure that entered into the room

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Dilruba stared at the figure that entered into the room. The mad king. She shuddered. He stepped forward, a beam of light focusing on his eyes.

His eyes looked like a freshly brewed tea, dark and swirling

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His eyes looked like a freshly brewed tea, dark and swirling. The scar on his face shined in the moonlight. Her eyes went wide and she bowed down to him mentally cursing herself. She heard a chuckle and then stood up right.

There he was, the blood thirsty king, the one who would definitely kill her tomorrow. That is what happened to every woman who entered his chambers. He entered into the light and she noticed his broad frame, his chiseled jaw, the scar that dragged along his face horizontally.

Fear clutched her heart and her legs shook but she kept her composure. Hiding her true feelings was part of her job. "Oh yes!" She would climax when she was as dry as the desert but it gave her clients the satisfaction.

She watched him move like a shadow to the bed and flop down and he propped his elbow up and rested his hand on his palm. "Go on." His voice reached her.

Dilruba looked at him, his legs, anywhere but his eyes, confused by his words, her lips uttered, "Ummm?" That was all she could say.

"Go on. Do your thing. Entertain me."

Dilruba stood still like one of the pillars. "Entertain you....with?" Her mind was spewing a string of curses which she couldn't utter before the king.

"They really got a foolish one this time. With. Your. Talent."

"I don't think I have any."

"Really?" He stood up and walked over to the side table, wind filled the chalice as he filled it. "A nobleman's daughter of twenty two, knows nothing. You don't know how to dance, how to sing? Nothing?"

She stood her ground, "Nothing. Unless you want to..."

"Want to?" He looked at her? His lips were stained red from the wine. That image was enough to stir her insides. F*ck. She thought.

"You know..." she moved her hands but judging from his face he didn't understand it. "I have nothing to offer you apart from my body! Okay?!" She blurted out annoyed.

"I don't want your body. I need to sleep so sing me a song or entertain me in some other way." That was when she noticed the dark circles under his eyes. He did look like someone who hadn't slept for ages. But his words didn't surprise her. Most of her clients didn't want her body, just her company.

An idea struck Dilruba, "How about a story?"

"Fine. A story it is." He took an apple from the fruit tray and bit it. Her stomach growled awkwardly. His gaze went to her stomach.

"You haven't eaten dinner?" His eyebrows dipped in a frown.

"I haven't eaten since the whole day." She confessed.

"You eat like you were starving until now

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"You eat like you were starving until now." He told her but she didn't care. She hadn't seen so much food and such delicious food since a long time.

"I was." She gulped down some rose sherbet to help her swallow her food. "A nobleman's daughter was starving?" He replied.

Sh*t! She thought. conjured a lie.

"Yes. You know, for staying thin. It doesn't matter anymore since I'm going to die tomorrow."

At that he laughed and Dilruba loo0ked at him, judging him, branding him heartless. He was exceptionally handsome except for the scars running across his face but it didn't matter, it only enhanced his beauty she thought.

After washing up, Dilruba sat at the foot of the bed

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After washing up, Dilruba sat at the foot of the bed. He had laid down on the bed with his hand over his eyes. And so she began,

"It so happened..."

One Thousand and One Nights (It so happened...) Where stories live. Discover now