The Two Sisters

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Chapter dedicated to @nitivyas51186

     It so happened that there were two sisters who were of the same age who were not twins

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     It so happened that there were two sisters who were of the same age who were not twins.

    "How can they be of the same age if they're not twins?"

   "Listen to full story."


     So the sisters were named Rania and Rabia. They weren't ordinary sisters because they were special. The had powers to visit realms no one could visit. Once they visited a realm they had to stay there for a week before returning back.

      They visited such a realm while being bored. It landed them right in midst of a snow land.



     "Have you ever felt snow?"


      Shivering in cold, they walked through the snow, their teeth chattering. In a distance, they saw a black figure. Fear gripped their hearts as they embraced each other.

    It was a handsome young man with a bright smile. "What are you doing here? Dressed so lightly?" He asked them.
      "We are lost, sire. We are travellers." Said Rania.
      "Please help." Said Rabiah.

     He took a hold of Rabiah's hand and lead them to a camp that was not far from there.

In the midst of a campfire, they met with the handsome man's friends. They sang and danced and laughed. That night was the beginning of a blossom of love between two hearts.

The handsome man so happened to be the prince of the realm.

She stopped because she heard a chuckle.

"Of course he is a prince."

"What wrong with being a prince?"

"He just happened to be camping? Right where they landed?"


"That's not possible."

"Why not? I never thought I would be able to be even step inside in this palace and here I am in front of you, your majesty."

He turned to look at her, "You're right. What happened next?"


As days passed and the week was drawing to an end, the girls felt reluctant to leave. Hesitant to tell each other about how they felt. They came up with excuses to stay in that realm. After a few weeks when they reached the palace, Rania realised she loved the king. She confessed it to Rabia.

Rabia loved him too but hid the fact. She couldn't say it when her sister was dancing around the room and smiling widely. She decided to give up on the idea of her love.

The king loved Rania too. With a heavy heart, Rabia watched her sister and her love get married. She decided to leave the realm since her chest would clench everytime she looked at the royal couple.

Rania left the realm and returned to their cottage where the sisters stayed had stayed alone. Their parents had died a long time ago -

She abruptly stopped when she saw his chest move in a rhythm. His hair fell on his eyes. His scars reflected the moon light. Her looked divinely dark as he was sprawled on the bed.

Dilruba slowly stood up from the bed. The room was immersed in a silence and calm. She went to sit on the diwan by the window. Wind tickled her hair and she looked at the moon. The last moon she was seeing, she relished it. Resting her head on the window sill, she sighed and slowly sleep took over too.


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