Twelve Good Men and True

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     Dilruba sighed as she woke up, her body humming in a sweet ache. She stretched herself as her arm hit his sleeping form. She let her arm linger on his neck drawing circles.

   She realised he had never slept in her bed till the sun rose, he would always be gone by the time she woke up.

  But the past few days seemed like a dream, a beautiful blissful dream, either she awoke first or him and it turned into a game of waking the other up with sweet gestures.

   Her fingers brushed his hair which fell across his face. She smiled and acknowledged she waa truly happy. A sinister voice inside her cackled at her positive outlook. There was no Dilruba the whore anymore, she was a queen now.

    Anxiety filled her, was it possible to be happy. Someone like her? The faces and tears of many women flashed across her memories and she wondered had their curses turned ineffective?

    A hand wrapped around her face and pulled her closer. She turned to him and found him smiling as if he couldn't believe this too.

     He woke up from the bed dressing himself up and she got up dressing herself in a silk gown. She wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her cheek to his back.

      He checkled, "You need to stop, you minx. I have an important meeting with the council today."

      "I don't wish to let you go."

    He turned to wrap his arms around her waist, "And I don't wish to go. But...I have to..."

    He cupped her cheek and kissed her forehead and he let go. He looked at her and mouthed the three words that tugged her heart and walked out of the room.


     Dilruba looked in the mirror, her eyes were wide and her face held a healthy glow. Her heart hammered as the anxiety was back. This seems too good to be true. She thought.

   Her thoughts snapped as the doors to her chambers opened and a wide eyed maid stumbled in. She shut the door.

   "I have been trying to reach you for three days but his majesty never left the room."

    Dilruba felt warmth creep her cheeks, they had been locked in for three days. "Who are you?"

   "I am Sienna your majesty." The girl pulled out a folded piece of paper out of her blouse and handed it to her.

   Dilruba took the paper and opened it, it was from the Zeraliyan king again.

  Dear Dilruba,

   When I heard of your injury, I had almost rushed my army towards your palace. If something out if sorts happens to you, I can assure you that the mad king would have to answer me.

   Are you well? Sienna will always be there to follow your every command.

   I am happy that you seem happy but something feels deeply wrong. Please don't let this concern of mine take offense in your heart for all of it comes from good will.

   I wish to cast away any doubts but don't you agree everything seems too good to be true? Perfect and flawless as if it's a farce? Is it just me?

  Your loyal friend,



    Dilruba crumbled the paper and burned it as if that would make the words on the paper untrue. He was right. It seemed too perfect.

   Sienna helped her with a bath. She relaxed in the warm water but her mind seemed to run charged. She felt as if she was Bluebeard's wife, her curiousity and doubts had run amok but she had been right. The man was a monster.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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