Day off

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Beam's P.O.V.

My relationship with Phana and Kit was improving. We still needed to sit down and have a heart to heart but everything was slowly going back to normal which made me happy. I had missed them even though we saw each other everyday o felt like I was getting left behind. I could understand though Ming and Wayo were best friends same as Phana as Kit so they had more reason to hang out together and become closer. It's just that somewhere along the way I became an extra in their lives. They didn't notice because they used to hang out together so not much changed. Thanks to that though I made my way to Forth, Lam and Park who have now become a very important part of my life.

I was on my way home from the grocery store. Today my classes ended before Forth so I picked up a few things before heading home. I turned on the tv to relax a little. I had a rare day off where I had no homework and didn't have to worry about quizzes or anything so I decided to be lazy today. As I was scrolling through the channels Forth started calling me. I forgot about the tv and started paying attention to my phone. He was talking nonsense for a while about a guy who pissed him off. He almost got in a fight but Lam stopped him. I don't think he's going to let it go that easy but at least he didn't fight today. I listened to him until it was time for his last class of the day. I put my attention back to the television where a K-drama was now playing.

These are always the same I wonder why people enjoy this so much. I started paying attention trying to figure out what was happening. It was the same plot as always two guys falling for the same girl. B.O.R.I.N.G. I thought rolling my eyes. I was about to change it when something caught my attention. The guy seems to have found out the girls secret. Apparently she was ugly without make up and he had seen her. Well now I want to know how she looks without makeup. Fine I'll change it when they show her "ugly" face I thought getting comfortable in the couch.

Before I knew ir Forth was returning home and I was still watching the K-drama. I didn't even notice he had arrive until he was standing in front of the television.

"You're home!" I said surprised and he looked at me with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah I've been calling you for half an hour! You had me worried so I came home as soon as possible!" He said and I looked at him guilty.

"Sorry! I kinda saw the phone ringing but it was on a good part! So I was going to call you after that scene and I kinda forgot." I said and he looked at me with a serious face.

"You have got to be kidding me! Also what the hell are you watching anyway?" He said looking at the tv before turning to look at me confused.

"A K-drama?" I said unsure and he burst out laughing.

"Since when do you watch those? I didn't think you were the kind of person to watch those things." He said sitting down beside me.

"I don't! But I was looking for something to watch and then you called so I stopped it at that and then I started watching to see what it was about and it's actually pretty good." I said and he shook his head smiling.

"How long have you been watching?" He said and I shrugged.

"Like an hour and a half. Apparently there's a marathon because it's already finished so it's gonna be on all day until it ends." I explained and he nodded resting his head on my lap.

"Ok then I will watch with you but remember Lam is coming by later to continue teaching you how to cook and if he sees you watching it you will never hear the end of it." He said and I nodded.

"I know even I can't believe I'm watching but it's surprisingly good. I'll stop before he gets here now Shh." I said focusing my attention on the tv. First Forth was on his phone but then he started watching too when the second male lead appeared in a bike.

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