Beam's P.O.V.
Today I was in a really bad mood. Nothing seems to be going my way. I had a really difficult test I the morning and even though I had studied both alone and with Phana and Kit I didn't think I did well. That alone had me really frustrated. Then I went home tired after a long day and I burned the food I was cooking. Everything's is a mess today and my mood just keep getting worst. I sent a text to Forth who had to stay until late in the university to do some group work.
-on your way home please bring some fried chicken.- I said and after five minutes he responded.
-Sure love, I will be home at nine with the food. Love you!-
-love you too.- I sent before putting my phone to charge.
After that I was trying to study for the next test. I usually take a break if I don't have any other tests that week but I was feeling frustrated so I wanted to get a head start. No matter how much I tried I couldn't concentrate. I laid on the floor looking at the ceiling for a while. I don't know how much time has passed since I started trying to study but I was too lazy to get up. I closed my eyes feeling a headache starting.
It wasn't long until I heard Forth open the door to the house. I smiled finally something good! The food is here. I heard Forth's footsteps but didn't bother to move.
"Beam?" Forth said tiredly entering the living room looking for me. I could see the surprise on his face when he saw me lying on the floor.
"Finally you're home!" I said sitting down on the floor and he did the same resting his head on my shoulder. "Wheres the food?" I said looking around and he looked at me confused.
"What? You're joking right?" Said Forth sitting down correctly.
"No! I asked you to bring home fried chicken! You said yes and that you will be here at nine with it!" I said getting mad.
"Beam its almost midnight! The shop is closed! I couldn't bring anything." He said and I sighed.
"Seriously! You can't even do that one thing! How hard is it to stop for some food on the way here. Also why the hell are you so damn late?" I said annoyed.
"I am damn tired today Beam! You could've had it delivered! And you know I was working on a very important project! Something wasn't working right so we had to fix it." Said Forth starting to get annoyed too.
"You could have warned me! I wouldn't have waited then!" I said.
"I sent you a text explaining." He said and I remember my phone that was charging.
"I didn't have it with me! That means I didn't answer! Thats how much you care! I haven't answered you for hours and you didn't even noticed." I said standing up from the floor to leave.
"If you had bother to read the messages you'd know I was running out of battery. I told you to call Lam in case of an emergency if you couldn't reach me! Why the hell are you so worked up about this?" Said Forth.
"Because I am! I don't even want to see you anymore! I will sleep in the guest room today don't bother me!" I said leaving angrily.
I was so freaking mad I went upstairs and threw myself on the bed. I am so damn hungry and there's nothing to eat here! Everything requires effort and Im not about to burn the food in the kitchen again. Stupid Forth came to finish ruining my night. A few minutes later I heard the front door open and close. Did he just leave? I am going to kill him! How dare he! I made my way downstairs looking for my phone. I tried calling him but his phone was off. That asshole! If he doesn't come back soon I swear I'm breaking up with him. I sat down in the living room to wait. It was a while before I heard his bike. By now it was almost one thirty in the morning. I heard him open the front door.
"Forth Jaturapoom you better have a good explanation for leaving or..." I started to say when I noticed him entering the living room with a bag of food.
"Calm down will you!" He said and I looked away. I was still mad. "I didn't know you get so grumpy when you are hungry! I was doing something right by always keeping you well fed." He said and I glared at him.
"Stop talking like I am some kind of pet you asshole." I said and he laughed before handing me some food.
"Its not fried chicken because the shop is closed but there's a 24 hour dinner around so I picked us up some burgers. Now eat before you try to kill me again." Said Forth and I ignored him taking a bite of the delicious hamburger. Once I was full I was feeling much better. Forth looked at me knowingly.
"Fine I'm sorry I overreacted." I said and he smiled.
"Yeah well I'm sorry for not being a good boyfriend." Said Forth pulling me closer to him and I felt bad.
"Don't say that! You are a great boyfriend. Its just been a hard day and everything was definitely not going my way and I just exploded when I saw you coming home without the food. I shouldn't have taken my frustrations out on you! You even went out of your way to buy food even if I was being so unreasonable. You are way too good to me." I said hiding my face on his chest feeling embarrassed.
"Its alright love but next time you're having a hard day warn me in advance I don't want to fight over stupid things after coming home tired." He said dropping a kiss on my hair.
"Oh so you want to fight when you're not tired." I said turning to look at him and he glared at me. "It was a joke." I said letting out a yawn.
"Come on let's go to sleep. In our bedroom.The both of us! If you even mention going to the guest room I will be mad." Said Forth standing up and I did the same laughing tiredly.
"Let's go." I said following to our bedroom.
He is indeed the best boyfriend ever. I would've left him sleep in the guest room if he made me mad. But I appreciate him not letting me go to bed mad.
I'm kinda busy so this is more of a filler chapter before all the drama comes because its been a while since the last update. Next one will bring the drama so get ready.

The Bet
FanfictionForth and his gang are drinking and joking. Then they make a bet to Forth that he can't make Beam fall in love with him in a month. Forth accepts and even adds that he can make Beam cry in the end. The problem? Beam heard everything.