Chapter 42

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Fair warning: extra long chapter ahead. But, I hope you enjoy it!

The next few weeks slipped by as easily as the sun slips below the horizon and soon, the sun dawned on a new month. It shone bright over the sky, stretching its rays across the few scudding clouds, celebrating the mark of a year passing since the Battle of Hogwarts. Since the defeat of Lord Voldemort. Since the triumph of light. Since the dawning of a new era.

Yet, for all the brightness that the day promised, Grimmauld Place was filled not with garrulous chatter, but with a silent reverie as the three wizards picked at their breakfasts. Harry moved his spoon about his still half-full bowl of cereal, contemplating the coming day and the storm of emotion within him. A year ago today, he had ended Voldemort's reign of terror and the fear that had gripped the country for years. A year ago today, he had discovered he was the final horcrux and walked willingly to his death in that forest. A year ago today, he had lost Remus, the last connection to his parents, Tonks, orphaning his godson, and Fred, leaving the Weasleys and his world with too little laughter. Plus, they had lost so many of his fellow students from across all of the Houses, some too young to even legally cast a spell without adult supervision. While his friends, and really family at this point, had convinced him that their deaths were not his fault and that burden had slowly been lifted off his shoulders within the past few months, their faces still swam in his vision when he closed his eyes at night. He still woke to nightly terrors from his past and while talking briefly about them almost every morning with Ron did lessen the sweating and rapid heart rate and even brought him back too reality a little sooner, it did nothing to stop the lost hours of sleep or the searing pain in his scars or the terror that numbed his body and felt far too real.

The day was already planned out, almost to the minute, yet Harry couldn't help but wonder what the next twenty four hours had in store for him. As per a new Ministry order, the second of May was now a national holiday for the wizarding community and so, work at the Ministry was cancelled, as well as most other business, and no classes would be held at Hogwarts for the day. A memorial service would be held at Hogwarts and all of those who fought were invited as well as key officials who played a part in the long struggle.

"Crazy, innit?" Ron whispered, a hand running through his red hair.

Harry started, his eyes snapping back into focus. "What d'you say?"

"It's crazy," he repeated. "A year ago..."

"Yeah," Harry agreed somberly, knowing exactly what his best friend meant without needing to shed any words.

"That's one word for it," George huffed and stood from the table brusquely, grabbing his plate and carrying it to the sink.

"Ready for the ceremony?" Ron asked, ignoring his brother's sour response.

"I guess," Harry shrugged. "Don't really know what to expect."

"At least you don't have to give a speech," Ron said, attempting a warm smile.

"True. But I'm sure there will be plenty of others."

Ron sighed and followed George to the sink, leaving Harry sitting at the table by himself. Eventually, Harry sighed heavily too and left the table before they took turns stepping into the fireplace to floo straight to the school rather than apparating to Hogsmeade and walking like the other guests.

Harry had flooed to his office at least twice a week for the past few months and had stepped onto the same wooden floor more times than he could count; yet this time felt undeniably different. This time, an air of expectancy awaited him and once they walked out of the classroom, the quiet hallways rustled with only a few scarce sounds that echoed throughout the walls. The students, from first years to seventh years alike, apparently all understood the weight of this day and their usual laughing jokes and loud conversations were silenced by the day's significance, leaving only muted remarks and the scuffling of feet.

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