Chapter 31

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Ginny paced the floor meticulously, scouring back and forth along the single bench that ran the length of the locker room. It was the first Quidditch game of the year, and as tradition went, it was Gryffindor against Slytherin. But not only was it the first game of the year, it was also the first game in two years that she would be playing  since Gryffindor was not allowed to have a team during the Death Eater's reign. Plus, it was her first game as captain. Maybe that would explain the bundle of butterflies making a home in her stomach or why she refused to stop her pacing for too long, lest her legs begin to tremble even more.

As promised, her six teammates filed into the locker room on time, all chatting amicably with various levels of nerves and excitement. Ginny watched them like a hawk as they pulled their Quidditch robes and pads over their clothing while impatiently continuing her unremitting pacing. Once all were changed and settled, Ginny stood in front of them, her feet planted firmly shoulder width apart.

"Okay, guys," she said, feigning a confidence she did not have. "Our first match. We know we're not the favorites to win since Slytherin played all last year, but we've been practicing hard." She slammed a fist into her hand and her eyes glinted with steel. "If we all play like we practice, then we can win this!" She saw members of her team nod, clearly as determined as her. Almost. The shrill shriek of a whistle broke through the clatter of footsteps of lagging students around them  rushing to find seats and the anticipatory cheers filling the stands.

"That's the signal. Let's go." She turned on her heel and led her team out of the locker room, broomsticks in hand, and kept her gaze on the Slytherin captain, ignoring the loud incoherent mess of sound erupting from the stands surrounding them. After shaking hands, the Slytherin's inveterate attempt to crush her hand, and Madam Hooch's second whistle, they were off into the sky. Her hair whipped around her as she rose, following the red quaffle high into the air and plucking it out from under a Slytherin chaser's nose, tucking it under her arm. She ducked low to her broom and sped off towards the far end of the pitch, deftly tossing it to the chaser on her left while dodging a bludger that flew dangerously close.

"Be back soon, Mum!" Charlie called over his shoulder as he closed the kitchen door behind him. He jogged lightly to catch up to the three other redheads walking ahead of him, chatting with wild hand gestures and nearly identical grins.

"Wait up!" Ginny pushed the door open and ran behind them, sprinting desperately to catch up. But, her ten-year-old legs were too short for her to reach Charlie's nineteen-year-old strides. Out of breath, she reached the doors to the broom shed just as they emerged from its depths, each holding a broomstick in one hand and the twins carrying a case of balls between them.

"We really have to fix that window latch. Every time we come in, it's fallen in again," Bill was saying to Charlie who nodded in agreement.

"I want to play!" Ginny exclaimed eagerly, clasping her hands together in front of her and interrupting Charlie from his imminent reply. Her four elder brothers exchanged a look and with a sigh, Charlie stepped forward and crouched in front of her so that they were eye-to-eye.

"Sorry, Ginny. We already have an even number to play," he said, wearing a sympathetic expression. He patted her shoulder gently, then made to stand again.

"So I can switch out with one of you!" she pleaded, her ecstatic grin starting to fade.

Charlie glanced back at his brothers and when he saw no offer to help, he replied, "Er... Ginny... it's just that... well, you're still really young and it would be dangerous for you to--"

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