Chapter 10

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"Come on... just get him already!" Ron egged on his chess piece towards Harry's. Even after years of practice, Harry had only managed to beat Ron a few times, although he was sure that he must have improved since first year. The trouble seemed to be that so did Ron. Hermione sat next to the two boys on the couch, curled into a tight ball and was reading a thick book for seventh year charms students. A loud knock broke through the room, but the trio was too lost in their own thoughts that none of them made an effort to stand up.

"Honestly!" Mrs. Weasley chided as she wiped her hands on her apron and strode through the room. "You lot are useless! I'm cooking away for everyone and you can't even get the door!" Hermione finally looked up from her book at her scolding and mumbled a weak apology, it was drowned out by Ron who had cried out as one of Harry's knights captured his rook. Harry grinned and continued to study the board, scouting for his next few moves. Though for all of her scolding, as soon as Molly's hand touched the doorknob, her stern expression turned immediately into one of pure welcoming and warmth. She pulled open the door with open arms and embraced Professor McGonagall.

"Minerva! How good to see you again!"

"You too, Molly. Thank you for having me! Here, I brought you a little something," she said, handing her a bouquet of bright yellow sunflowers.

"Oh, how lovely! Come in, come in. Make yourself at home, I just have to check on a pot if you'll excuse me." Mrs. Weasley hurried off into the kitchen, leaving McGonagall in the living room with three of her favorite students (although she'd never admit to that).

"Hello, Professor!" Hermione called brightly as she shut her book and laid it on the couch next to her.

"Yes!" Ron screamed before McGonagall could even open her mouth. "That's seven checkmates in a row!"

"Yeah, yeah," Harry mumbled grumpily. Hermione cast a disapproving look in their corner, but McGonagall only chuckled.

"I see your chess skills are still unmatched, Mr. Weasley," she said. Harry turned over his chair and waved. 

McGonagall nodded in Harry's direction before adding, "You know, I'd like a rematch sometime."

"What?" he said blankly. Then his cheeks burned a bright red. "Oh... yeah, okay." He shrunk into his chair slightly as he finally remembered the chess game from their first year. 

Harry stood and made his way to sit next to Hermione, leaving the armchair open for McGonagall who sat graciously. Ron dropped onto the couch too, sitting ungracefully on Hermione's book.

"Why are you reading this!?" he said flipping through the pages. "You don't even have summer homework and besides, I'm sure you already know it all." Before Hermione could respond, Professor McGonagall cut in.

"Well it's good to see you three having some time to relax," her hands were placed properly on her lap and she sat with a straight back, peering at the three teens slouched against the couch cushions.

"How are the repairs coming?" Harry asked, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees.

"Quite well, actually. I talked to Bill earlier this week about the position at Hogwarts, and I think he might agree."

"That's wonderful!" Hermione exclaimed, brushing a stray lock of hair out of her face.

"Indeed it is," she said with a smile. "And how are you three doing?"

"Oh, you know, we have our good days and our bad days," Hermione responded, knowing that Harry was about to bluntly respond that they were all fine. 

McGonagall nodded thoughtfully. "Don't we all. Hopefully the good days will soon outnumber the bad."

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