Chapter 26

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Thursday evening

A knock resounded through the tall building, the sharp noise echoing around the quiet house. Ron's head snapped up from his cup of tea and his chair scratched across the floor while he reached for his wand. Even though the sun was just barely fading, somehow the knock set his nerves on edge and he gripped his wand tighter. The knock came again and he pushed the curtain aside slowly next to the door and cautiously peered out of it, his wand at the ready if a masked figure was waiting for him. But, there was no darkly clad witch or wizard, only a red haired freckled wizard waited impatiently on the porch.

Dropping his arm to his side in relief, Ron pulled open the door eagerly and embraced his brother while shouting, "Hey!" He stood aside and let George step into the entryway, noticing his strange look of apprehension and frantic eyes as he did so.

"Hey, Ron," he greeted, far less cheerfully.

"What's up?" Ron said, growing weary.

"Do you have a minute?" George asked, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet.

"Yeah, sure." He tried to keep calm and not show how fast George was making his heart race. "Do... do you want some tea?" George nodded distractedly and followed the taller Weasley into the kitchen.

"What's up?" Ron repeated while pouring hot water from the kettle into a second mug.

"Er...," George murmured and played with the string of the tea bag while perched carefully at the edge of his seat.

"You're scaring me, George," Ron admitted while watching his older brother carefully.

"What?" His eyes looked up filled with a clouded haze like he had forgotten where he was. "Oh... well, er... I was just wondering... I was thinking of maybe going to the store... tomorrow." Ron sat frozen in his seat, not sure about what to respond or if George even was expecting him to.

"Oh?" He managed.

"Can... can you come with me?" He whispered.

"Of course! I--"

"And can I stay here tonight? And don't let me back out."

"Yeah, of course. But... you know I'm still working tomorrow, right?"

"Yeah, yeah. I thought we could just go whenever you get back. I didn't want Mum or Dad to pester me, that's all."

"Oh... Okay, sure." He took a small sip from his mug just to have something to do. George mimicked him while memorizing the lines of the familiar wooden table. "How is everything at home?"

"Weird without everyone there. I think I'll move back above the store at... at some point though." Ron nodded.

"Take your time, you know? Take the time you need."

"I know. I know. He'd want me to... to move on though." He took another sip of his tea and paused slightly before deciding to give in and just say whatever was on his mind. "I've been working on a new product line to help people affected by the war, actually."

"That's a great idea! What have you--" He was interrupted by a loud whoosh and the kitchen was lit in a momentary flash of bright green. Harry stepped out of the fireplace, briefcase in hand.

"Hey Ron," he called and stopped mid stride at the sight of a second Weasley in their kitchen. "Hey... George," he said partially as a question.

"Hi. I'm--er, I'm staying over tonight," he answered his unspoken question.

"Oh... Okay." Ron met Harry's eyes and he decided not to press George. "I'll make us some dinner then." He swung the brown briefcase that Hermione had gotten him for his birthday on the table so that the golden inscription reading "Professor H. J. Potter" faced him and laid his nice robes over the back of the chair closest him.

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