Chapter 45

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"Two more weeks," Ginny groaned, her voice muffled by the textbook she had face planted in on the table.

"No, one more day. One night really," Hermione amended, her eyes flying across the lines of the textbook that was levitating in front of her.

"What do you mean?" Ginny asked, her head popping up slightly.

"What do you mean?" Hermione replied with a grin.

"What are both of you talking about!?" Luna interrupted, flicking her wand so that the page turned in her floating textbook.

"Well I mean two more weeks until we're done with school," Ginny clarified.

"And I meant one more night until our first day of finals," Hermione promptly added.

"Tomorrow is Charms and Magical Creatures for me," Luna said idly.

"Charms and Ancient Runes for me," Hermione piped in.

"And just Charms for me," Ginny said, stifling a yawn.

"Oh, so you have the afternoon off tomorrow?" Hermione asked.

"Yeah. Thank Merlin...," said Ginny. She leaned back and twisted around in her seat to crack her back and stiff muscles: clearly, a consequence of sitting in the library for hours on end.

"Then you can get a head start on preparing for the DADA finals!" Hermione said cheerfully.

"I think we've studied enough for DADA. Besides, Bill said he was using our other practical exam as our final grade," Ginny mentioned.

"Yes, but he hinted that there will be an extra credit opportunity that we should really get ready for. We have to take advantage of--"

"We're all doing perfectly well in the class, Hermione," Ginny interrupted. "I'm not too worried about needing the extra credit."

"All right, fine," Hermione replied curtly. "I was only trying to help."

Ginny huffed and went back to the textbook resting on the table in front of her. Luna, oblivious to the tension in the room, began to hum idly to herself while she compared her notes to two textbooks. Eventually, the three Head Girls lit the tips of their wands so that they could still make out the words in the dying sunlight coursing through the window near them. It was only well after the stars had begun their cheerful twinkling and after Ginny began to snore loudly, slumped over in her chair, that they decided to call it a night and get some sleep.


The following morning was filled with pre-exam stress starting the moment they awoke and it infiltrated their once-relaxing breakfasts. Conversations were hushed over half-empty plates and mostly pertaining to whatever exam the students would be having that day, rather than gossip or plans.

The Charms exam came much too fast, but mercifully, it ended in just as much of a hurry. As per normal, Hermione instantly jumped into a recount of every question she could remember (which was most of them) before Luna begged her to be quiet over lunch so that she could review her notes on creatures. Hermione obliged so that she could go over her own notes in Ancient Runes and Ginny ate her lunch in blissful peace.

After lunch, Ginny walked with Luna down to the forest's edge for her exam, keen on getting a quick breath of fresh air herself, and wished her luck before turning back towards the castle and beginning to languidly climb up the grassy hills. There was a bout of laughter over a knoll to one side and with her ears pricked, she thought she could make out a distinct snort amongst the symphony of lighter voices. With a grin and no moment of hesitation, Ginny let her feet carry her towards the sound and once she rose above the crest, she found herself looking at Harry surrounded by a bunch of third years in their uniforms minus their black outer robes which were strewn about on the grass. All of them were staring at two students heaving and out of breath, apparently having just arrived on time after sprinting across the entirety of the castle grounds.

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