Chapter Four: Devise

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A week later after the Emergency Code...

     "So it's been a week since then huh...?" Rowzei thinks to herself as she lies on her bed looking at her weapons seemingly unsatisfied with what she has. "I have to get a better sword... It won't do much for me as I don't know much about rapier combat, I'll need a katana as soon as possible." She thinks as well, she gets out of her bed and goes down towards the main area of the bar and sees many people gathered up. "Goodmorning Soldier, you're here on time." said a man with cybernetic knight-ish armor with the username of Kessla. "What's going on here, something the matter?" Rowzei asked Kessla as she pulls out a chair next to a table and sits down, "We're planning our attack on the floor 14th boss, we're just waiting on more players to show up so just, wait here or just do as you please." Kessla replies as Rowzei nods.

A few minutes pass...

     "Alright, it seems like everyone's here, first of all, we have 54 people entering the raid in total, 24 of us are DPS,14 are supports, and 16 are tanks! So we're going to need 8 teams of three's for DPS! Supports, all of you stick together! Don't let anyone die! And tanks, group up in 2 teams of eight, one group defend the supports and the other go defend the DPS!" Kessla shouts towards the players as they group up in their respective teams, as Rowzei just keeps sitting not knowing who to go with, till when she sees a girl with pink and white hair and a swordsman dressed in red, Shiro and Misaki walking towards her as they wave and Rowzei smiles at them and they get together in a group.

     "Okay, now that everyone's in a group we'll need to discuss what the boss is, luckily we have the beta test handbooks which were written by the beta testers, but remember everyone, just cause it says here that this is what the boss was in the beta won't mean that it'll be the same here in live! Anyways this boss is supposed to be a pair of cybernetic twins, one being a lightweight gunner using an SMG and shotgun! Beware of it, it can easily shred your health and armor within seconds, it also has many gadgets, such as paralyzing bombs, poison kunai and, an item which seems to allow it to dodge any attacks it sees coming continuously within 30 seconds, that item is said to only be used when it's taken down to 30% of its health! Now for the second twin, a heavyweight shogun using a battle axe and a sniper! It may not sound like much since most of us have guns, but this boss won't be easily staggered or stunned due to its hyperarmor, their attacks will most likely bring you down fast to 10% HP with 2 hits, though this twin's attacks are extremely slow and easily blocked or dodged! Now for their gadgets! It doesn't have much other than some shurikens that give the bleeding effect, and fire bullets that it can replace with its regular bullets at any time! Now then, that's that for the twins' skills and combat playstyles, now it's time to form a battle strategy, so then, first of all, we will take out the lighter twin first, though tanks we will need you to block the attacks from the heavy unit for us! Supports make sure to keep healing the tanks so they don't die on us! We'll be taking out the lighter unit first due to his rapid time to kill, he is a glass-canon type of build! Misaki's team, we'll need Rowzei and Shiro to take it from behind since you're the ones with the most mobility, though Misaki since you're a sniper we'll need you to take cover behind one of our tanks shield and hit the head of the lightweight unit and try to bring it up to 85% stun, make sure not to fill it up all the way, we'll need to save that till when it's at 35% health so that we can build up the rest of its stun so that it can't activate the auto dodge item! Then supports, buff up all the DPS, and then DPS just go ham on it! Now for the strategy for the heavyweight unit, be warned that once the lighter twin goes down the heavy twin will get a buff called 'Rage' which buffs up its strength! Which will almost make sure you die in one hit, so tanks we'll need you to take the damage for us and supports make sure to buff the tanks defense as well as debuff the heavyweight with slowness! With slowness debuff on the heavyweight it'll make it almost impossible for us to get hit due to its attacks being twice as slow, so it'll easily be dodgeable! So then on we'll just need to be careful and just go in and attack him as much as possible!" Kessla finishes up with his plan and smiles brightly.

     "We meet at the boss entrance tomorrow at 8:45PM! If anyone needs some new gear, over there at the corner is the Blacksmith Andre! All funds will be free of charge for you and be paid by me!" Kessla says as he walks off and Rowzei holds a fist and smiles as she walks towards the Blacksmith. "Hey, I need a new weapon please." Rowzei says to the Blacksmith as he nods "What'll it be?" he asks as Rowzei replies with "A katana please, with no guard." Andre nods as he starts crafting the katana. After a few minutes pass Andre finishes up the katana and hands it over to Rowzei. "Thank you." Rowzei whispers in gratitude as she sheathes it then goes back into her room and rests till tomorrow comes...

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