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To say that Tyler had taken his role as 'daddy to-be' seriously, would have been an understatement. He had completely thrown himself into the deep end and was struggling to stay a float.

It seemed like every time Y/N turned around, Tyler was texting her or calling her to ask a question, or he was coming up with ideas for names. He had even gone so far as to sync their calendars, so every doctor's appointment she had, Tyler had put in an effort into making his schedule fit around them.

Y/N was rather pleased to see him take a big step and try to help, but she knew that in some aspects- he was oblivious. It was almost adorable, how invested he was.

"Can I buy the baby a Stars onesie? Cause I can get the equipment manager to put something together-" Tyler rambled over the phone, it was one of several phone calls that Y/N had received in the last few weeks.

Y/N couldn't help but laugh. She pinched the bridge of her nose as she sat in her kitchen- staring out the window at the apartments that surrounded her building. "Tyler- the baby will be way too small for a onesie like that- lets just wait for a while okay?"

Tyler nodded over the phone as he headed through the grocery store. His cart was stacked high with various snacks and things he thought Y/N might want, he was slowly trying to convince her that she would be better off living with him, but he knew they were nowhere near close to that yet.

"Alright alright- but seriously, when can we find out?" he smiled, leaning over the cart as he pushed through a few aisles.

The woman thought about it. "Not for a while- I think at 5 months or something like that." she told him.

She enjoyed how eager he was though. Tyler really had been putting in an effort, it had only been a couple of days since they shared dinner at his house- but it was as if Tyler did a complete one-eighty.

It was all really sudden, but she appreciated it. Even if she didn't know how long it was going to last.

She knew that Tyler didn't really have a preference for whether it was a boy or a girl, he would be a great father either way- he would love them with every fibre of his being, but he might struggle with the parenting aspect. "Don't bother buying anything for the baby just yet, we'll wait and get things after we know what's going on." she told him.

As much as she appreciated his enthusiasm, Y/N had to be realistic. Babies didn't always make it, even though her spirits were high, she knew that her own mother had trouble conceiving a long time ago, miscarriages ran in her family, she just wanted to keep an open mind about what could happen.

For now, she thought it would be best if she just stuck to her plan. She was going to set up appointments with the doctor, take her vitamins and do her best. They could start buying stuff after she knew that they were out of the woods.

Tyler sighed softly. "Fine- but once you give me the go ahead, I'll never be able to stop." he joked. He grabbed the rest of his groceries before heading out. "Do You need any errands done?" he asked over the phone.

Y/N was a bit taken back by his offer, she didn't think he was thinking of her like that. "No I'm okay thank you..." At least it showed he was putting in an effort. But she had to remind herself, she couldn't be loose with him. She had to keep herself guarded, after all she wasn't looking to get her heart broken again.

Her and Tyler were not together. They were having a baby together, but they were single- or at least Y/N was. She had no idea if Tyler was sleeping around or seeing that girl from cabo still. She knew they had to talk about that at some point.

"I have a game tonight... Did you want to go?" Tyler asked, closing the trunk of his vehicle and climbing into the driver's seat. He let his arm drape over the wheel as he got situated, his watch sparkling in the light.

Y/N frowned. "I have an article due for work tomorrow sorry... but speaking of work... How are we going to deal with this?" she asked softly. "Are you telling anyone? I don't want anyone at my work to know... then the stories coming out will be about us." she sighed.

Tyler nodded. "I agree... I don't really wanna tell anyone... but I would like to tell Jamie and my family... my mom actually already knows." he pinched the bridge of his nose.

Giggling softly, Y/N couldn't help but smile. "And what did miss Jackie have to say about that?" she teased, knowing that jackie was almost like a second mother to her.

The hockey player chuckled lowly. "She ripped me into a new one for how I treated you... Told me that I need to give my head a shake basically."

"I could have told you that." Y/N hummed, "But tell her I say hi, were gonna have to start calling her grandma." she smiled.

Tyler nodded. "I will, I'll stop by your place tomorrow okay?" He pulled out of the parking lot and made a bee-line for home, wanting to get in a nap and a decent meal before the game that night.

"Sounds good, I'll be home around six." she told him. Even though things were still a little bit overwhelming, Y/N could see that Tyler was really trying. She didn't have any ill will against him for wanting to be a good father. If anything her only frustrations were with him cheating on her in cabo. She had learned to put up with his immaturities, but him sleeping with another woman... he couldn't just let that go.

The man seemed to wanna change, but only time would tell if that was really true.

After another Dallas star's loss and a tough day at work, Y/N and Tyler were both ready for a night of relaxation. They had made the plan to order take-out at her place and watch some movies. Tyler was bringing the dogs so Y/N had made sure to put away anything breakable. As much as she loved them, they weren't always the brightest and seemed to act like bulls in a china shop whenever they were in close quarters.

Once her fancy lamps and things were put away, Y/N could relax- she knew that nothing was going to get broken unless Tyler miraculously decided to jump on her table. Which if she was being honest, didn't count out. She picked up a case of beer for him as well as a bottle of red wine so that he could take his pic. She would be sipping on lemonade for the evening.

"So how was work?" Tyler asked, walking in a few hours later with a brown paper bag of chinese food. He set it down on the table and smiled, handing Y/N her own white styrofoam box of food. Filled with rice, chicken, chop suey and egg rolls the girl couldn't be happier, this salty greasy food was exactly what she had been craving lately.

"Not too bad- I'm finding Julia more annoying every day, but it's because she keeps asking questions. She's pretty sure that you and I are sleeping together again." she rolled her eyes at her friend's speculations.

Tyler stiffened. "Oh.. I mean- yeah we definitely aren't doing that." he chuckled awkwardly. He didn't want to admit it, but the thought of hooking up with Y/N really did intrigue him. He wanted her in many ways, and sexually was pretty high on his list.

Y/N pressed her lips into a thin line and nodded. She didn't really want to talk about their sex life. In all honesty, Y/N thought that he had been sleeping around, after all that was what she expected from him.

The conversation turned slightly sour and Y/N found herself wishing she had never said a word. She was left with the image of Tyler in Cabo spreading through her head and it was disgusting

Staring down into his bowl, Tyler sighed softly. "Anyways... We're playing Nashville next week." He told her, watching as Y/N interest peaked. He couldn't help but smile softly at that.

"I would really like it if you came." he mentioned.

Thinking about it for a moment, Y/N nodded softly. "I guess I could show up." she told him. "You know- to watch you get your ass kicked." she smirked.

Laughing softly, Tyler tossed his head back and smiled. "Twenty bucks says you're wrong." he pointed at her with a bright grin.

"You're on."

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