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As soon as they had started to build furniture in the nursery, it was all Y/N could think about. Every day she found herself struggling to fall asleep because she just wanted to rush into the baby's room and keep going.

Tyler had to actually keep her from getting out of bed at one point. He had stayed over because they finished up late and before long, he woke up on the couch- hearing Y/N pattering around the nursery.

He walked into the room to find her grabbing a paintbrush and getting ready to open a gallon of paint. "What are you doing?" he laughed softly, leaning against the doorframe as he took in her appearance. Her hair was pushed back out of her face and her body was surrounded by large oversized fabric of a grey shirt. Her bump was standing as plain as day and Tyler couldn't stop his heart from swelling at the sight.

"I'm gonna finish up the walls." Y/N looked up at him sheepishly. She had a heat in her cheeks and she couldn't help but bite her lip. She really wanted the nursery to be perfect.

Tyler chuckled. "Well... You can do that tomorrow." He told her. "It's nearly four-a.m you need some rest." he walked over and took the paint supplies from her grasp. He set them down onto the tarp and held Y/N's hand.

"Let's get you back to bed."

That night was certainly not the first incident of the two of them showing their excitement for the baby to be. Whether it was tyler's teammates having to stop him from rambling about the kid when they were out at lunch, or Y/N having to remind herself that she didn't need to buy the entire baby section at walmart, the two of them were about to burst at the seams with anticipation.

As the days began to turn into weeks, slowly the nursery was finished. Light cream coloured walls and a wooden crib assembled in the corner, a bright white dresser stood tall with a few picture frames on top. Y/N wanted to make sure that Tyler was as every bit involved in their baby's life as possible- when he was away on road trips, she wanted to ensure that their son or daughter didn't forget his face.

In all honesty, Tyler hadn't thought about that part of being a dad. He didn't think about having to leave due to hockey and wondering how much of his son or daughter's life he was going to miss. With all of the excitement and the rush of doctors appointments, he thought that things would just magically work itself out. But if he wanted to be a dad and a hockey superstar, he would have to make sacrifices- many of the guys on his team were already doing it so he knew it was possible, it would just take some getting used to.

Part of Tyler thought that if he was away a lot, he might really lose Y/N. They hadn't talked about their relationship status since the night under the dock and that had been eating away at him. He knew that he cared for her and he wanted her to be his, but now that they had a baby, he was concerned that it would be too much for her.

Three days later, the pair were sitting inside Y/N's doctor's office, waiting for their name to be called. Y/N had been scrolling through her phone the majority of the time trying to shake off any last minute nerves. Even after months of being pregnant, that initial fear and anxiety had yet to disappear.

Tyler was staring off into space beside her, focusing on a particular piece of wallpaper across the room. He was quiet and couldn't stop bouncing his leg which had pulled Y/N's focus.

She gave him a glance and noticed his rigid posture, the way his shoulders tensed as he took in a deep breath, and how his hands were clasped in front of him. Sighing softly, Y/N put her phone away and reached across his lap, placing her hand against his thigh and giving it a delicate squeeze.

"You okay?" she asked softly, moving her hand up to grip his own, she interlocked their fingers and made sure to keep eye contact, she wanted to know exactly what was going on with him.

Being struck from his thoughts, Tyler turned and looked at her almost in shock- this was the most affection she had shown him in a while and even though he didn't want to admit it, he did miss her touch. "I'm just nervous..." he lied. As much as he wanted to tell Y/N about his feelings for her, he didn't think that doing so in an obstetrician's office was the right place. "I'm always worried that they are going to tell us something is wrong with the baby." he sighed.

Y/N gave his hand a gentle squeeze. "I know... I feel the same- but we have to stay positive." she reminded him. "The doctor would have called us in urgently if anything was going wrong." She did her best to reassure him.

Tyler's shoulders slumped and he genuinely did feel relieved at that, as long as he knew that one thing was going to work out, he could relax and start thinking of how to go forward.

Before long, Y/N's last name had been called and the pair were being ushered into the room. There was a large chair that could flatten as a bed and a screen to the side. Taking a seat, Y/N looked at Tyler with a smile.

"The doctor will be in shortly." the nurse told them both.

Tyler crossed his arms as he stood near the door, scratching at his scruff and giving a soft 'thank you' as she headed out.

Y/N had this giddy grin upon her lips that just wouldn't go away, between the flush of her cheeks and the tapping of her foot- Tyler would be lying if he said he couldn't sense her excitement. "What?" he asked, letting out a chuckle as he tapped her foot with his own.

The woman shook her head wanting to keep the secret. "It's a surprise, you'll just have to wait until the doctor gets here." she told him. She could be stubborn, but Y/N knew that as soon as the doctor came in, Tyler would be ecstatic.

After about ten minutes of Tyler playing with things around the office and Y/N laughing so hard that her stomach hurt, there was a click of some heels and a knock on the door. "Come in!" Y/N forced out through her giggles- Watching as Tyler released the pair of rubber gloves that he had blown up into a balloon- the blue rubber snapping and flying around the room until Tyler could grab it and stuff it in his pocket.

A stout woman with a platinum blonde pixie cut came in, she was wearing a la coat and a pair of black dress pants with a blue blouse. "Dr. Lathem- It's so nice to see you!" Y/N greeted the woman.

Smiling fondly, Lathem grinned. "You too Y/N- how are we feeling today?"' she asked glancing at tyler and chuckling.

Y/N smirked. "He doesn't know- I wanted this to be a surprise for him." she let their doctor in on her little game.

Tyler rolled his eyes playfully. "She's killing me here- can you believe this woman in the mother of my child?" he played.

Dr.Lathem giggled. "Well- I guess we can let you in on the secret. I'm going to be performing an ultrasound on our momma bear here and let you guy's know the sex of the baby."

All of a sudden Tyler's stomach dropped. They had been to plenty of appointments and he had already seen their baby on the ultrasound, but now they were finally going to find out whether it was a boy or a girl. "Really?" his voice came out as soft as a whisper and Tyler felt like he might pass out.

Y/N looked up at him and nodded. "Really." she smiled fondly.

Within a few moments, Her shirt had been lifted up high enough for the doctor to spread some jelly along her bump, the coolness spreading through Y/N's skin as the ultrasound device was projected onto her stomach.

Upon the screen, the image of their baby surfaces, causing Y/N and Tyler to smile. It was rather comforting to see the little life that was growing inside of her. "This here- we have two arms and two feet..." The doctor grinned. "This here is her head."

At first Y/N didn't even process it. But Tyler clocked onto the doctor's words as soon as they fell from her mouth. "Her?" he asked softly.

Y/N's head whipped around and she looked up in hope.

The doctor grinned. "Congratulations, You're having a baby girl."

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