chapter 1

508 17 9

haewon pov:

i don't need to look at you to
know that you're pretty

that single sentence alone sent my heart into such a fast rhythm, i could hear the thumping in my ears. a blush slowly crept onto my face as i reread the comment left by mashiho.

mashiho and i have been the closest friends ever since treasure and astraea were formed. we met in a practice room where we were briefly introduced to one another before i was ushered to a different practice room. later that night, with no free seats in the yg cafeteria, i opted for outdoor dining before he came to ask me if i wanted to sit with him. little did i know, that day was the start of one of the greatest friendships i've ever had.

it felt comfortable being with him. like we were always meant to meet each other. we clicked instantly, sharing so many similar traits.

he dances well, i dance well. he sings well, i sing well. he's tidy and likes to clean, i'm tidy and like to clean. he likes fashion, i like fashion. he's a foreigner who speaks japanese, i'm a foreigner who speaks (a bit) japanese.

the list could go on and on about what the perfect pair we make.

our members often tease us for being so close, saying that we should date cause we so "obviously like each other," and no matter how much we try telling them otherwise, they're not convinced. we've never thought of each other as anything other than best friends.

we're just close friends. that's it.

in the midst of my thoughts, i receive a text from said best friend.

mashii <33
hey haewon !
are you busy rn?

no, why?

mashii <33
i had some free time
and was wondering if you
wanted to go get some
ramen w me?

mashiho, it's like 11 pm
isn't that a little late??

mashii <33
c'mon i just finished
practice and i was hungry.
no one else would eat with
me so pleaseeee?
i'll buy :)))

i'll see you at the
company in a bit

mashii <33
yay i'll be waiting!

with these newly made plans in mind, i got up quickly and threw on some clothes. within 10 minutes, i was ready and headed out the dorm.

i'll be out for a bit
don't worry i'll be back
in an hour or so

i quickly sent a text to ahyoung before leaving the dorm. i decided to walk rather than take a car, so i put on a mask and made my way down the street.

the yg building was about a 7-12 minute walk from the dorm, and while immersed in my own thoughts, i hadn't realized i made it to the building already.

"hey, haewon i'm here" i heard mashiho say, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"oh i couldn't see you"

"what were you thinking about so deeply that you couldn't even see me?" he says jokingly as he throws an arm around my shoulders. it was nothing new to us. mashiho had always loved having any form of skinship with me, whether that be a hug or playing with my hands, he enjoyed doing it and i had no problem with it.

"nothing much, so where are we going?" i questioned as we started walking away from the building.

"to the convenience store"

"the convenience store?"

"yes, problem?"

"you could've gone yourself you know?"

"i knoww but it's more fun if you're with me." he slightly whined, scrunching his nose in the process.

"let's get going then!" i let out a small laugh before grabbing his hand and continuing our way to the closest convenience store.

once we got there, it was pretty empty, taking into consideration that it was almost midnight. we grabbed our ramen, some drinks, and payed before settling down at a table outside the store.

"so what did you do today?" i started while waiting for our ramen to cook.

"just practiced, but it took so long cause the choreo is so hard." he pouted.


"we've been working on it for weeks, but it seems like we'll never get it at this rate."

i lightly laughed "oh come on, i know y'all can do it. you always do. plus, y'all have been waiting to have a comeback for awhile, so i'm sure you'll do amazing."

he smiled softly, "what about you? what'd you do today?"

"like you, i just practiced and went to some meetings for our next comeback."

he nodded before looking back at our food.

there was a long but comfortable silence between us as we ate our ramen and enjoyed the night time breeze that flowed through.

after nearly an hour of eating and talking, i proposed that we head back to the dorms and he agreed eagerly, excited just at the thought of his bed awaiting at home. the walk home was filled with laughter shared between us that we had been missing out on for the last couple weeks.

upon arrival at the dorm building, mashiho turns to me and says "wow, it's been so long since we've hung out together. tonight was like a breath of fresh air so thanks for eating with me." a soft smile appears on his face as he finishes.

i return the smile with an equally satisfied expression "anytime! how could i pass up the opportunity to hang out with my best friend."

"get back safe! i'll see you.... whenever i see you next." he lets out a laugh before disappearing in the elevators.

not too soon after, i make a beeline to my dorm and settle in bed, quickly falling asleep with the memories of tonight.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

happy birthday jihoon! 🤍🤍

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