chapter 5

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author pov:

it was silent. the tension engulfed the two as they stood there, hand in hand. they stared at each other, unable to get a word out. it was almost as if they were trying to analyze what each other were thinking.

i mean, how are you supposed to react after you've just realized you've been in love with your best friend for who knows how long?

as if on cue, a strong gust of wind flowed through, blowing haewon's hair in front of her face. and almost instantly, mashiho's hand flew up to her face to move her hair behind her ears.

maybe he could see her ears turn red because he gave her a smile as he pulled his hand away.

he turned his body towards her, now both of them facing each other, just inches away.

he doesn't know where it came from but a certain urge came over him. a certain want, a certain need.

a kiss.

he looked at her, standing a few inches shorter than him (something he always teased her about) with such a loving expression on her face that he thought, maybe, just maybe she wanted it too.

what if this is a bad idea? what if she doesn't feel the same? what if she hates me after this?
he thought, but she always told him to fuck it. if you want to do something, do it.

so he did.

he leaned in, ever so slowly, giving her a chance to pull away if she doesn't want it, but she didn't. so, he continued inching forward until their lips met.

he didn't move much, initially, scared that she might've changed her mind last minute, but when he felt her wrap her arms around his neck, he knew that she was enjoying this just as much as he was.

this gave him a sudden burst of confidence. he pulled her closer to him by her waist and started kissing her with even more passion. he poured all of his feelings for her into that kiss, even teasing her a bit by pulling a way slightly.

she kissed him back with the same passion (maybe even more) and felt all the butterflies pool in her stomach as she felt his smile against her lips. they finally realized each other's feelings for one another.

and they couldn't be happier.

the kiss lasted only a couple seconds, but they both couldn't help but feel disappointed it didn't last longer.

pulling away, still in each other's arms, they looked at each other, huge smiles plastered on their faces.

he leaned in, giving her one last peck on the lips before he pulled away and grabbed onto her hand again.

"should we head out now?" he asked, breaking the comforting silence that was between them.

with a nod, haewon gave his hand a squeeze and they went their way out of the park.

it was as if they were in their own utopia, their own paradise. away from the reality, from the real world. they got to be together and to love each other without the eyes of the public. it was absolutely magical, but of course, all fantasies must come to an end.

they had to let go of each other's hands as soon as they walked out, feeling saddened over the loss of contact. it was a silent walk out the park. neither of them said a word, but it wasn't necessarily awkward. both of their heads were filled with thoughts of what just happened.

it wasn't until they got into the taxi that the reality of everything hit them.

did that really just happen? what are we supposed to do? what do you do when you love someone? how does he/she feel about me? what about our jobs? what about us? should we date? should we not?

all these thoughts roamed both of their heads, making them stressed. stressed that, although the other kissed back, they couldn't just get together like a normal couple would. especially if you just realized you've been in love with your best friend this whole time and then you're kissing them not even a minute later. all these feelings were too much to think about and experience all at the same time.

the ride home was also silent, although this one was a little too painstakingly quiet. not one peep came from either of them, making the taxi driver feel the tension in the air as well.

there was a bit of traffic, but neither of them really complained. it just allowed more time to sort through the web of feelings that was the whole day.

after about 45 minutes they made it back to the dorm building as the sun was starting to set. they stepped out of the taxi, thanked the driver, and made their way to the entrance of the building.

the awkwardness between them could be felt from miles away and they hated it. she was ready to held straight to her dorm when she felt his hand grab onto her arm.

she turned to look at him, seeing him stand awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

"i had fun today." he started, giving a small smile.

"me too. i don't think i've had this much fun in a while." she replied, letting out a slight laugh as she felt the atmosphere slowly returning to normal.

that did not last long as silence took over them again. it wasn't until a couple seconds later when mashiho started talking again that the silence was broken.

"don't think too much about it ok? we don't have to do anything about it just yet. i'll wait until you're ready." he softly said to her, flashing that smile that she loved oh so much.

it was in these moments that she really felt his love for her and her love for him. it was almost as if he could read her mind and comforted her with the exact words she needed to hear. it warmed her heart, and she knew at that moment, that she could never let him go.

without warning, she pulled him into a hug, squeezing as tight as she could, to let him know that she appreciated everything he's done.

"thank you. really, mashiho. you've given me more than i could ask for and for that, i'm so grateful. thank you taking me out today. just give me a little time, and i promise, everything will work out." she whispered into his ear, before pulling away and returning the same bright smile that appeared on his face.

"have a good night haewonie, i'll see you soon." he said, giving her one last kiss on her forehead before she headed into the building towards her dorm.

there were many things to consider. many things that got in their way that was going to take time to figure out. but at the end of the day, nothing else mattered.

she loves him and he loves her.

and that was all they really needed.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

happy haruto day! 🤍

i'm sorry i disappeared for a couple days, exams are coming up but hopefully i'll be able to post more soon.

also, i'm sorry if this chapter kinda sucks cause i wasn't even originally planning to write it, but i didn't really want to leave the last chapter off like that so i wrote this in like an hour. i hope you enjoy nonetheless.

and as always, take care ❣️

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