Chapter 9

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Willow hummed happily as she whisked the alfredo sauce that was bubbling merrily on the stove. Soft country music was playing in the background and Harper was playing with some blocks on the floor not far away. Lane had stopped by The Homestead the day after their date and then again yesterday when they had decided that he would come over for supper the following evening. Grace had given Willow the afternoon off, with a wink and made her promise to fill her in on every detail. Willow, herself, was brimming over with excitement at seeing Lane again. She enjoyed his company and found herself looking forward to seeing him all the time.

"Harper stay away from the stove honey." Willow admonished as Harper wandered towards her, looking down at the blocks in her hand. The little girl looked up and pouted at her.

"But want to see mommy." At her words, Willow chuckled and then bent to scoop her daughter up. She placed her firmly on her hip and then went back to stirring the sauce while showing Harper what she was doing.

"Mommy is getting supper ready. Lane is coming over tonight." Willow told her and the little girl tilted her head in what seemed to be confusion.

"Wane?" She asked having trouble with pronouncing the 'L' in his name.

"Yup! You like him. He's the one who has the tickly face remember?" Willow prompted and then watched as her daughter's face lit up.

"Wane!" She shouted and then wiggled to get down. Willow watched her in amusement as she took off as fast as her slightly unsteady legs could carry her to her room, where Willow could hear her pulling out various toys. With a little chuckle, she turned back to the stove, loosing herself again to the cooking. She realized with a jolt that she hadn't felt this carefree and happy since she had gotten pregnant with Harper. It seemed like for the last 2 years, her life had been nothing but hurt, exhaustion, and stress. But right in this moment she felt content and everything seemed so right.

"Maybe this was meant." She murmured to herself as she glanced out the kitchen window. The window was over the sink and looked out over the driveway. It also had a pretty view of the mountains that towered over the valley in the distance. It was here, far far away from everything she had known, that Willow found herself happy again. She was finally cooking again, something she had always loved to do, but her love of it had been tainted by the many rude comments her mother had made about eating the food she cooked too much. From a young age Willow had followed their Italian cook around the kitchen and learned tips and tricks. She had started cooking and baking when she was young too, loving to make things with her hands and loosing herself to the task of putting random ingredients together to make something really delicious. After many backhanded comments about her weight and the way she was 'obsessed with food' from both her mother and then later Jay, Willow hadn't cooked and actually enjoyed it for a long time and she found herself relishing in the feeling of doing something she loved again.

"Mommy where is Wane?" Harper's small voice cut through her thoughts and Willow turned to see her with her favorite skirt on over her pants, and an armful of toys. She smiled warmly at her daughter.

"He won't be coming for a while yet." She explained and watched Harper pout.

"But I want to show these." She held up her arms in explanation and Willow felt her heart squeeze at the way her daughter was so eager to share some of her prized possessions with Lane.

"You can later. He's going to be coming in a couple hours." She explained and Harper seemed satisfied and wandered off towards her bedroom again. Willow turned back to the stove, humming as she continued to get the meal ready. She was making one of her favorites, fettuccini alfredo with grilled chicken. She made her own noodles, and her own sauce, just the way their Italian cook back home had taught her almost before she could hold a rolling pin. She was pairing it with a light ceaser salad and light fluffy breadsticks. For dessert she was making some of her famous brownies, ones that even her mother had complimented from time to time. They were rich, chocolaty, and had a hint of sweet raspberry in them too, and Willow found herself looking forward to sharing the meal with Lane.

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