Chapter 11

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Over the next weeks, Willow fell into a comfortable routine. Summer had slowly gave way to Fall and there was a chill in the air that indicated that Winter was quickly approaching the mountain valley. Everywhere leaves were turning brilliant colors on the trees and pumpkin spice and apple smells seemed to follow Willow everywhere she went. She was working every possible minute at The Homestead and she found herself falling more and more in love with her job every day. She was apart of the baking team now and she loved trying new items to sell in the cafe, and loved hearing the positive feedback from the regulars. Slowly, but surely Dubois was starting to feel like home to both her and Harper and she was relieved to finally be settling in. The only thing that conflicted her was Lane. He came around The Homestead but hadn't offered another date, or a chance to hang out with him again. Willow knew that she liked him, but also knew that she definitely wasn't his type and that more than likely, he was just being nice to her. She wished that she could push him out of her mind, because she knew that most of the time, males were nothing but heartache and problems.

"Oh Willow that looks so good. I can't wait to try them." Grace flashed a thumbs up at her as she walked by her baking station to place an order. Willow was startled out of her thoughts, but smiled back enthusiastically at the older woman who had quickly become one of her best friends.

"I hope they are good. I've never tried to make scones before." She explained before going back to her work. She was trying a new recipe for apple and cinnamon butter scones and she hoped that they would turn out as good as she thought they would. She was quickly immersed in her baking again before another interruption happened. This one came in the form of a 6'3" cowboy with form fitting and dirty work clothes.

" Oooo what are you baking today?" Where the first words out of Lane's mouth. She looked up, startled to see him there and before she could stop him he had swiped his pinky finger through the batter she was mixing and popped it into his mouth.

"Lane! You can't put your dirty hands in my baking! This is for the cafe! You aren't even supposed to be back here." Willow scolded, but couldn't help the smile that spread across her face at the look of pure bliss on his face as he closed his eyes and savored the taste of the batter.

"Wow. You've done it again. That tastes exceptional. Besides my hands are squeaky clean, and Grace told me you were back here and said I could pop in." A smirk slowly spread across Lane's clean shaven face and there was a mischievous glint in his warm, grey eyes.

"Oh whatever." Willow rolled her eyes, deciding it wasn't worth her time to scold the cowboy, when it obviously just rolled right off his back. "Is it really that good though?" She questioned hopefully, and Lane's smirk melted into a genuine smile.

"It really is. Whatever you're turning that batter into is going to sell like hotcakes." She felt her face go red at his compliment and a happy smile spread across her face. She looked down in embarrassment and focused on sifting flour slowly into the batter, stirring it slowly to incorporate it. When she looked up again, Lane had moved closer, and was looking down at her with something she couldn't place glowing out of his eyes. She felt herself get even more red and she smiled shyly at him.

"What?" She questioned, and watched as his eyes darted down to her lips before coming back up to fasten on hers. Butterflies twirled in her stomach as he moved even closer and reached out his hand to brush a finger over her chin. When she looked up to meet his eyes, he was smiling, but there was an intensity burning deep inside of his grey eyes.

"You had a bit of flour on your chin. I got it though." He grinned cheekily and moved back and she laughed.

"I guess I got a little too into baking. I guess it can get a little messy." She bantered back and watched as his grin widened.

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