Chapter 17

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After a long night of pacing my empty cell, the door to my cell opened to three men in hazmat suits and Dr. Reid. 

"Follow us," she said monotonously, a stark difference from her excited demeanor the day before. I hesitated, but followed. 

The men took me to a room with a large, high tech chair that looked like it had been charred. I stared at it for a moment, wondering how that had happened. 

"Take a seat," a voice said over the loud speaker. After a moment I realized it was Dr. Reid in a separate room. Suddenly the men in hazmat suits made sense. 

This was going to hurt. 

I didn't listen to instructions, so the men grabbed me and forced me into the chair, strapping me down. I tried to stand up, move my arms, anything, but I was stuck.

"You wanna explain whats happening first or are you just gonna treat me like an animal?" I yelled, knowing Dr. Reid could hear me. I didn't get a reply. 

The men moved to different stations around the room with computers and started pressing keys. A helmet came over my head and covered my eyes, a blue screen showing the letters "O.R.M" in silver letters.

Suddenly the screen flashed, making me flinch. Random pictures of scenes of destruction flashed across the screen.

"Is there a purpose to this?" I yelled. No answer again. 

Suddenly a strong pain shot down my spine and the images became more graphic. Pictures from wars and battles from history, burning buildings, explosions, dead bodies.

The pain was increasing and spreading. 

"Stop it!" I finally yelled. Why are they doing this?

I know I was invisible the second the pain started, but I didn't understand why they continued to torture me. 

As the pictures turned to videos of things that should never be recorded, I realized what was going on. 

They wanted to see if there was anything else I could do. 

The pain was almost unbearable. Tears were streaming down my face. I don't know how long it lasted, but suddenly the pain stopped and the screen went dark. I thought it was over. 

But the screen turned on again. It was surveillance footage of a cell similar to mine. A person was seated in the corner, head between his knees. 

After a moment to look at him, I recognized his curly, dark hair. 


I tensed when I realized that Dyer wasn't bluffing, he had found Liam, before he had even found me. 

I didn't know how to feel. Hurt, angry, defeated. 

Another man came into the cell in the footage. He was large and intimidating. He spoke to Liam, although I couldn't hear anything. Liam stood up and spat in his face, but before he could even step back the man had punched him so hard he flew into the wall. 

Liam slumped against the wall, unconscious. When the man turned to walk out, I noticed the brass knuckles he had on, now covered in blood. 

I knew how to feel now. And that was livid. I felt my heart rate increase even more than it already had been, which couldn't have been healthy. 


I stood up and started to walk out when I realized that nothing had stopped me. What had happened to the restraints? 

I turned around to see they were still intact, strapped to nothing. 

"She's up!" one of the men yelled, looking at the heat-sensing technology on his screen. 

"She's what?" another man asked in a bored tone. 

"She escaped!" The man yelled, walking towards where he assumed I still was. 

I walked away from him and towards the screen with heat technology. The men started panicking, and I wasted no time in walking towards the door. 

"She's by the door!" Dr. Reid yelled through the loudspeaker. I put my hadn't on the door, looking for a button or something, but my hand never hit it. 

I watched in horror as my hand floated through the door.

Frozen, I heard the men run towards me. One even got a hand on me. Or tried to at least. 

The door opened and Dr. Reid was behind it. I shook my head and pushed the confusion away, and sprinted past her and down the hall. 

I'm free.

I ran towards what looked like an exit, only to be met by at least twenty more men in hazmat suits. I looked at my hands to see that I was slowly returning to visibility. It was now or never. 

I just walked forward. The feeling of walking through another human is terrifying. I was a ghost. A literal ghost. 

Suddenly a wave of nausea washed over me. Immediately I hunched over, too dizzy to see straight. 

"There she is!" I heard. Suddenly I was grabbed by both arms and dragged back into my cell, thrown to the floor. The door closed, but I heard the click of heels come towards me as I laid on the floor. 

I blew it. 

"Amazing," Dr. Reid breathed. I didn't reply, but she walked in a circle around me, scribbling notes into a notebook. 

Suddenly I heard the doors open again and another person walk in. 

"REID! What just happened?" Dyer's voice boomed, making my head spin. 

"Christina has more abilities than invisibility General Dyer. She also has intangibility," Dr. Reid replied. I could hear the joy in her voice. 

I was slowly regaining my vision, which I wish I hadn't. All I could make out was Dyer's ugly smirk. 

"Incredible. Walking through walls, walking through people, and on top of that no one can see you while you do it. A true ghost," Dyer mused. 

"General Dyer, as incredible as this is, nothing is going to hold her once she figures out how to control this," Dr. Reid whispered. Dyer glared at her, then at me. 

"Leave that to me."

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