Chapter 1

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When you've just finished your fourth patrol of the day, there's nothing better than perching atop a wall, basking in the sunlight. Right here in this moment, it was sheer bliss. Everything was at peace. Unfortunately, I was forgetting one little thing. Actually, it wasn't all that little. More like my life is suddenly in danger. I was startled into falling off my wall as the bells tolled.

"Oh no, I'm late!"

So, I started running. As I ran, I pulled my hair into a ponytail and fixed my clothes. I quickly and quietly slipped into my place at the back of the garrison. I brushed a few strands of hair away, just before my captain looked my way.

"You're late, Blackwing." The person to my left whispered.

"Shut up, Joshua. I just finished my fourth patrol, I was taking a minute to rest."

"Four patrols!?" He questioned, shooting me a shocked glance. "But third ring angels are only supposed to go on two patrols!"

"You forget I'm not exactly all that popular with the higher ups. Or anyone for that matter."

"If it's any consolation, I generally perfer you over Mr. Next Archangel."

Joshua and I look towards the front where Michael stood. He must have felt my stare as he glanced back at me. His grey eyes narrowed, glaring at me. He was trying to look intimidating, trying to make me back down and prove he was better than me. But it didn't work, I wouldn't let him have any satisfaction in knowing his rank would probably always be higher than mine. So, I glared back. He frowned and turned away. I listened the monotonous voice of the captain as he explained why we were called.


"I have to work with who!?"

The formation had broken up and was just kinda hanging out in the courtyard of our garrison's barracks. Two higher ring angels stood by the door, telling everyone who their partner was. The one who shouted was, unexpectedly, Michael. I headed over to investigate. As I approached, one of the higher ring angels, the female one, looked in my direction but not right at me. Michael, however, did look right at me. He glared angrily and turned back to the superiors.

"I will not work with the Blackwing, she'll only slow me down."

And that flipped the switch. I marched towards him with a calm fury. I could handle the names, the shunning, the whispers, and anything else, but I refused to let someone doubt my work.

"For your information, Mr. Bigshot, if anyone I will 'slow you down' the least. I am always diligent with my work and go on more patrols a day than third ring angels are supposed to. I finished my fourth just before the garrison meeting!"

There were quite murmurs among the angels. The superiors looked at each other nervously. Everyone was watching intensely and carefully. An archangel in training and the Blackwing in their first confrontation. Neither of us had spoke directly to each other before, and now we were in direct confrontation. I wish we hadn't ended up like this. Part of me was hoping to befriend him and put an end to the discrimination against me.

"No one asked you, Blackwing." He growled, flaring out his wings.

His wings were larger than mine, causing an instinctual prick of fear in my chest. But it was quickly gone and replaced with anger and annoyance. My hand twitched towards the hilt of my blade. Michael didn't seem to see it, but the superiors did. I saw their own hands moving slowly towards their weapons, ready to stop me if need be. Instead, I ball up my fists and tried to stop them from shaking. I took a deep breath and looked back to Michael calmly.

"Just don't let this get in the way of our job." I said.

Then, I just walked away. Leaving Michael and everone else in shock. I had other, more important things to do than pick fights. I wasn't going back to the barracks. No, I was going to my favorite place in all of Heaven. Up in my perch, an unuse watch tower, I spread my large wings and let the slight breeze ruffle my feathers. My wings were a little larger than normal, but the archangel wings were still larger. Each angel had their pair of perfectly white wings, except me. Mine were a deep, dark black, an oddity. Strange, different, something everyone hated. I was hated, beaten, forced into a corner, but I still made my own way. I had my own little rebellions here and there, but still followed orders. I did have one comfort though.

Humans. From my perch, I would watch them whenever I could. The other angels knew, even the higher ups. I've heard them whispering about it, saying it was stupid, that humans weren't important enough for so much attention. But I didn't care. They were unique and different. Everything about them was so different from Heaven, but so similar. I had been watching them since my creation, everyday. Sometimes I found humans that stood out or ones I simply like, and watched them live and grow, through out their lifetime. And when they die, I'd be sad, but know they were in a good place in their own Heavens. I was different, like the humans, and I couldn't have been more proud.


"I can't believe I have to do this."

"What, couldn't use you archangel in training status to get them to change your partner?" I teased.

"You're pretty snarky for a Blackwing."

I just chuckled in response. Now in a used watched tower, I was stuck with Michael. There were only two archangels in service at the moment. Michael's older brothers Lucifer and Raphael. Michael had one more brother, Gabriel, but the little cutie was in training below us. Gabriel was kind to me, unlike everyone else. Maybe it was because his head hadn't been filled with bad stories about me when we met. Now, he often defended me, even though I warned him not to. His brother, however, was the complete opposite.

"Rina." I said quietly.


"My name." I said, a little louder. "My name is Rina."

"I didn't know that."

"Of course you didn't. Most forget I even have a name, I'll always be known as Blackwing. Unless I change things."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm going to become Seraph one day."

Michael scoffed.

"You? The Seraph? As if that will happen." He said, then lowered his voice to talk only to himself. "A Seraph with black wings, how stupid. Six big black wings. Her? Please."

I rolled my eyes and ignored him. I was disappointed at how this turned out. I glanced at Michael, who was mumbling to himself in the corner. He would be a great archangel one day, but he still lacked something. He lacked the communication with others. Sure, he was strong, smart, brave, and knew how to get the job done, but because of his one day archangel status, he viewed himself above others. And of course, everyone knew that. No one dare question him, and that made our confrontation all the more outrageous. There was only one person anywhere near equal with the archangels, the Seraph. Unlike the archangels, you didn't have to be born into the rank, you had to work for it. I would make it there one day, no matter what it took.

"I'm only still partners with you because Lucifer ordered it, you know."


"How should I know what goes on in my brother's head? He's always been vague and confusing, but he always has his reasons."

"And you're going along with it because you were ordered to?"

"What else can I do? It was a direct order."

"I don't know. Not!?"

"I can't just go against a direct order! Not that you would you anything about following orders!"

"I do follow orders! Just because I don't do things exactly like everyone else doesn't mean I don't!"

"Black wings!"

"White wings!"

"That's not even an insult!"

"It is to me!"

Both of us had our wings flared and scowls on our faces. Michael growled in frustration. He didn't seem to know how to respond or what to do. This was such a silly little thing to get worked up over, so how did it end up like this? One comment about something neither of us could change and suddenly everything spirals out of control. I didn't want to fight with Michael, but somehow he just managed to push all my buttons. Michael growled once more and settled into the corner opposite of me. He wrapped his wings around himself, block my view of him.

"Wake me up in a hour and I'll take the rest of the patrol till dawn." He said, his voice already heavy with sleep.

"Sure." I mumbled to an already asleep Michael.

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